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University of Minnesota Extension

Crop production


Hybrid selection

Choosing the right hybrid for your needs

Cropping systems

Crop rotations, corn following alfalfa, continuous corn


Corn grain and silage guidelines, corn planting best practices, handling delays and crop damage


Corn growth staging, nutrient management, assessing weather damage

Pest management

Insects, diseases and nematodes affecting corn


Harvest and lodging, grain drying and storage, crop residue management


Species and variety selection

Forage selection and identification, emergency forages, cover crops as forages


Seeding rates and dates, stand establishment


Life cycles and characteristics of legumes, nutrient management, assessing winter injury

Pest management

Diseases and insects affecting forages

Harvest and storage

Utilization, silages, pastures and grazing, biomass, stand termination

Small grains

Crop and variety selection

Small grain variety selection, crop rotations, variety trial results


Guidelines, seeding dates, seeding rates, delayed planting, replant decisions


Small grains growth staging, nutrient management, assessing weather damage

Pest management

Find information about diseases and insects common to Minnesota small grain crops

Harvest and storage

Strategies for harvesting, storing and drying small grains in Minnesota


Variety selection

Variety trial results, selecting the right variety


Guidelines, delayed planting, replanting decisions


Soybean growth staging, nutrient management, assessing weather damage

Pest management

Insects and diseases affecting soybean

Harvest and storage

Find strategies for harvesting soybean in Minnesota to maximize crop quality and minimize storage losses.

Seed quality

Foreign material management and quality reports



Production guide and nutrient management

Pest management

Insects and diseases affecting sugarbeet

Soil and water


Learn about irrigation scheduling, monitoring soil moisture and water quality.

Soil management and health

Soil properties, tillage systems, reducing soil erosion and compaction and residue management

Agricultural drainage

Planning and design strategies for agricultural drainage systems, calculators and regulations

Cover crops

Benefits, selection, establishment, maintenance, use and termination of cover crops.

Weed management

Weed identification

Photos of weeds and weed seedlings commonly found in Minnesota crop production


Calculating and calibrating rates, managing risk and drift, symptoms of dicamba exposure

Herbicide resistance management

Strategies for diversifying weed control to manage herbicide resistance


A spigot in a tree with a bucket under it to harvest syrup.

Does a warm winter affect the timing of sap flow?

Agricultural producers can submit applications to USDA’s Farm Service Agency for ARC and PLC for the 2025 crop year from Jan. 21 to April 15 and for DMC for the 2025 coverage year from Jan. 29 to March 31.

In a statement released on Jan. 31, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network said a temporary injunction remains in place, barring it from enforcing BOI reporting requirements

Crop News blog

Get statewide and regional updates on the Crop News blog.


More crop learning opportunities

View all crop related learning opportunities from around the state.

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