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University of Minnesota Extension


Nitrogen (N) is the nutrient most often deficient for crop production in Minnesota, and its use can result in substantial economic return for farmers.

However, when N inputs to the soil system exceed crop needs, there’s a possibility that excessive amounts of nitrate may enter either ground or surface water. By effectively managing nitrogen, growers can produce crops in a more profitable and environmentally friendly way.

Basics of nitrogen

Understanding nitrogen in soils

  • How nitrogen behaves in Minnesota soil systems.
  • How to manage nitrogen for more profitable and environmentally friendly crop production.

Fertilizers and soil testing

Guide to using urea as a crop fertilizer in Minnesota

  • How to apply and store urea.
  • Urea basics, including its physical forms, advantages and ways it can be lost.

Fertilizer guidelines by crop

Nitrogen chemigation

Guide to using irrigation systems for nitrogen chemigation in Minnesota

  • How to apply nitrogen: Sources, timing, rates, methods and safety guidelines.
  • Irrigation systems and equipment, and how to calibrate.


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