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University of Minnesota Extension

Fruit and vegetable farming


Growing guides

Guides for commercial growers of fruits in cold climates

Growing safe food

On-farm food safety, GAPs audits, Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)

Raspberry farming in Minnesota

Planting, growing and marketing raspberries in Minnesota

Strawberry farming in Minnesota

Planting, growing and marketing strawberries in Minnesota

Fruits hardy to Minnesota

Research on UMN breeding programs and lists of fruits currently available and proven hardy in Minnesota

Minnesota Fruit

Connecting and informing fruit growers across Minnesota

Production systems

Deep Winter Greenhouses

We support deep winter greenhouse (DWG) research and outreach across the state. Find information and construction documents for building these passive-solar greenhouses.

Minnesota high tunnel production manual

Risk management, structures, the high tunnel environment, cultural practices, crop production, crops, and finances for growing in high tunnels in Minnesota (PDF)

Managing a farm

Business, finance, safety and systems for ag producers and small farms

Small farms

Information on running a one- to 40-acre farm

Supply chains

We work to build the relationships that bring University crop research to farmers, markets and, ultimately, dinner plates.

Nutrient management and soil health

For specialty crops

Cover crops and soil health

Cover crop selection, reducing tillage

Nutrient management

Maintaining soil fertility in organic fruit and vegetable crop systems, nutrient cycling

Soil and foliar testing

Soil testing for fruit and vegetable growers, interpreting a soil test, foliar testing in fruit and vegetable crops

Pest management

Diagnose plant problems

Diagnostic tools to help diagnose a plant problem or identify a weed or insect

Disease management for vegetable crops

Vegetable plant diseases

Fruit and vegetable insects

Insects, spiders and other bugs that particularly help, harm or feed on fruits and vegetables in the home garden


Timely, objective information on fruit integrated pest management in the Midwest

Pesticide safety and certification

Pesticide education and resources for certified and licensed applicators, those seeking certification, and other professionals


Timely, objective information on vegetable crop integrated pest management in the Midwest


The Fruit and Vegetable News blog has regular updates for growers

In a statement released on Jan. 31, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network said a temporary injunction remains in place, barring it from enforcing BOI reporting requirements

Two women discuss pests in a green farm field

A three-year Extension partnership with universities in Kenya focuses on women farmers and the school meals value chain.

An apple with small brown spots and a large blistered, brown area, hanging on a tree.

Apple scab outbreaks were bad in 2024, here’s what you should know to help for next year.


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