Corn pest management
The UMN Extension crops team wants to help you with disease diagnosis. Visit Digital Crop Doc, tell us more about your field situation and submit photos. One of our team members will contact you with a diagnosis, a request for more information or a suggestion to submit the samples to a plant disease clinic.
There is no cost to use this service! Your submissions will help alert us to new or emerging field crop diseases throughout the state. This, in turn, will help us focus our research and education programs to meet the needs of Minnesota crop producers and other ag professionals.
- General seedling blights
- Stewart's seedling wilt
- Corn seed treatments
- Anthracnose
- Crazy top
- Eyespot
- Goss’s bacterial wilt and blight
- Gray leaf spot
- Holcus spot
- Northern (Helminthosporium) leaf spot
- Northern corn leaf blight
- Physoderma brown spot
- Rust - common and southern
- Smut - common
- Southern corn leaf blight
- Stewart’s leaf blight
- Aspergillus ear rot and aflatoxins
- Fusarium ear rot and fumonisins
- Other corn ear rots (Trichoderma and Cladosporium ear rots)
- Reducing Bt corn acreage to cut production costs
- Handy Bt trait table (updated March, 2023)
- Armyworm in corn
- Black cutworm
- Aphids in post-pollination corn
- Grasshopper management in Minnesota crops
Sampling for 1st generation European corn borer
European corn borer in Minnesota field corn
- Life cycle
- How to scout for European corn borer (ECB)
- Economic thresholds in whorl and post-pollination corn
- Key management tactics
Corn rootworm
Corn rootworms are adaptive, changing to meet shifting production practices, technology, and climate. With the development of resistance to Bt-rootworm corn, corn rootworms now pose a challenge for most corn growers.
The purpose of the IPM (Integrated Pest Management) podcasts is to alert growers, ag professionals and educators about emerging pest concerns on Minnesota field crops - including corn, soybean, small grains and alfalfa. We also review recent pest trends and research updates.
Read about the most recent podcast in our Minnesota Crop News blog.