Sugarbeet pest management
The UMN Extension crops team wants to help you with disease diagnosis. Visit Digital Crop Doc, tell us more about your field situation and submit photos. One of our team members will contact you with a diagnosis, a request for more information or a suggestion to submit the samples to a plant disease clinic.
There is no cost to use this service! Your submissions will help alert us to new or emerging field crop diseases throughout the state. This, in turn, will help us focus our research and education programs to meet the needs of Minnesota crop producers and other ag professionals.
Sugarbeet diseases and insects
Leaf and crown diseases
- Management of Rhizoctonia root and crown rot of sugarbeet
- Comparison of Cercospora and bacterial leaf spots on sugarbeet
- Fusarium yellows of sugarbeet
- Powdery mildew on sugarbeet
Root diseases
Leaf-feeding weevil in sugarbeets
Grasshopper management in Minnesota crops
- Conditions that favor infestations
- Economically important species
- How to scout for them
- Treatment options
Weed management
Herbicide mode of action and sugarbeet injury symptoms
An in depth look at eight herbicide families, their modes of action, factors that influence their effectiveness and injury symptoms:
- Application timing
- Herbicide selectivity
- Herbicide uptake and translocation
- Injury symptoms