Regional research trials
Variety trials, herbicide evaluations and other research is conducted each year. University of Minnesota researchers, scientists, specialists and Extension personnel are involved in the trials in several different locations throughout the state.
Southern Minnesota
Managing volunteer corn in 2,4-D tolerant soybeans
Learn how antagonism between auxinic and grass herbicides can affect volunteer corn control when they are tank-mixed.
Field corn herbicide trials
These new herbicide and herbicide system trials were conducted in Rochester, Minnesota during the 2022 growing season.
- Comparisons of herbicide systems for weed control in field corn
- Evaluation of TriVolt herbicide for weed control in field corn (Note that TriVolt is not registered for use in all areas of Minnesota)
- Evaluation of Storen (A23980[B]) herbicide compared to Acuron Flexi for weed control and crop safety in corn
Includes corn and soybean herbicide evaluations conducted in Rochester, Minnesota during the 2021 growing season, unless otherwise noted.
Variety evaluations
Herbicide evaluations
Variety rotation as a strategy for managing soybean cyst nematode
A twelve-year field experiment at Waseca, Minnesota found a rotation of Peking with PI 88788 resistance is a good strategy for managing the soybean cyst nematode (SCN), and susceptible varieties and no-till may reduce pressure to select different SCN HG types.
Southern Minnesota regional research and demonstration summary
Includes corn hybrid, corn herbicide, soybean variety, and soybean herbicide evaluations conducted in Rochester, Minnesota during the 2018 growing season, unless otherwise noted.
Hybrid trials
- Corn grain field crop trials results (Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station)
- Corn silage field crop trials results (Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station)
Herbicide evaluations
- Demonstration of weeds controlled by the herbicide components of Acuron and Resicore in field corn
- Evaluation of pre-emergent herbicide residual duration programs in field corn
- Comparisons of herbicide systems for weed control in field corn
- Evaluation of cultivation programs in field corn
Variety trials
- U of M SE Minnesota regional soybean yield results
- Soybean field crop trials results (Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station)
Herbicide evaluations
- Evaluation of Anthem Maxx plus XtendiMAX for weed control in dicamba-tolerant soybean
- Efficacy of A22089 herbicide programs for controlling weeds in HPPD tolerant soybean
- Evaluation of Tavium in dicamba-tolerant soybeans
- Control of volunteer glyphosate-tolerant alfalfa in no-till Roundup Ready 2 Xtend and Enlist E3 soybeans
- Evaluation of volunteer corn control in dicamba-tolerant soybean
- Soybean SOA demonstration
- Herbicide and cultivation weed management study in soybean
- University of Minnesota statewide soybean weed management: A comparison of dicamba and glufosinate systems
2017 southern Minnesota regional research and demonstration summary
Includes alfalfa, corn hybrids, corn herbicide evaluation, soybean variety, soybean herbicide evaluation, soybean agronomy and integrated pest management assessment.
Herbicide evaluation
S-metolachlor/dicamba (Tavium) premix in dicamba-tolerant soybeans
Impact of herbicide tank mix partners with MON76980 (Xtendimax) herbicide in Xtend soybeans
Comparison of MON76980 (Xtendimax) and Liberty herbicide systems
Control of volunteer glyphosate-tolerant alfalfa in no-till Xtend soybeans
Integrating PRE and POST herbicide systems with interrow cultivation
Difficult to control broadleaf weeds with an HPPD herbicide based program
Variety trials
- Early and late maturity glyphosate tolerant/Roundup Ready® soybean
- Dicamba-tolerant soybean yield results
Herbicide evaluations
- Statewide soybean weed management
- Dicamba soybean, PRE plus POST and POST applied at 3- and 6-inch weeds
- Enlist Duo control of broadleaf weeds
- Difficult to control broadleaf weeds with an HPPD herbicide-based program
- A21472 for weed control in RR2 Xtend soybean
- Managing glyphosate- and ALS-resistant common waterhemp — LibertyLink soybean
- Managing resistant common waterhemp with layered residual herbicides
Giant ragweed
Other weed control
Hybrid trials
Herbicide evaluation
- Acuron and Acuron Flexi
- DiFlexx and Laudis Flexx
- Comparisons of PRE/POST weed control programs
- Comparisons of herbicide systems
- Herbicide evaluations from Lamberton, Rochester and Waseca
Nutrient management
Variety trials
Glyphosate tolerant/Roundup Ready
Herbicide evaluation
Giant ragweed
- Sequential preemergence/postemergence herbicide systems for control of giant ragweed
- Advantages of full-spectrum residual herbicide programs
- Difficult to control broadleaf weeds with HPPD herbicide-based program
- Impact of nozzle type and spray volume on weed control using Liberty 280
- How do they compare? Glufosinate (LibertyLink) and glyphosate (Roundup Ready) programs for resistant giant ragweed
- Crop rotation strategies for management of herbicide-resistant giant ragweed
- Cultural and herbicide strategies to manage giant ragweed
Northern Minnesota
Hybrid trials
Planting rate
Nutrient management