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University of Minnesota Extension

Regional research trials

Variety trials, herbicide evaluations and other research is conducted each year. University of Minnesota researchers, scientists, specialists and Extension personnel are involved in the trials in several different locations throughout the state. 

Southern Minnesota


Managing volunteer corn in 2,4-D tolerant soybeans

Learn how antagonism between auxinic and grass herbicides can affect volunteer corn control when they are tank-mixed.  


Field corn herbicide trials

These new herbicide and herbicide system trials were conducted in Rochester, Minnesota during the 2022 growing season.


Includes corn and soybean herbicide evaluations conducted in Rochester, Minnesota during the 2021 growing season, unless otherwise noted.



Variety rotation as a strategy for managing soybean cyst nematode
A twelve-year field experiment at Waseca, Minnesota found a rotation of Peking with PI 88788 resistance is a good strategy for managing the soybean cyst nematode (SCN), and susceptible varieties and no-till may reduce pressure to select different SCN HG types.


Southern Minnesota regional research and demonstration summary
Includes corn hybrid, corn herbicide, soybean variety, and soybean herbicide evaluations conducted in Rochester, Minnesota during the 2018 growing season, unless otherwise noted.




Northern Minnesota




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