Weed identification
Find photos and identifying characteristics that’ll help you identify common Minnesota weeds.
Types of weeds
- Barnyardgrass.
- Large crabgrass.
- Green, giant and yellow foxtail.
- Wild oat.
- Fall panicum.
- Wild proso millet.
- Amaranth family: Waterhemp, Palmer amaranth and redroot pigweed.
- Giant and common ragweed.
- Common cocklebur.
- Common lambsquarters.
- Velvetleaf and more.
- Jerusalem artichoke
- Field and hedge bindweeds
- Yellow nutsedge
- Quackgrass
- Canada thistle and perennial sowthistle.
- A step-by-step key to identify seedlings using plant characteristics.
- Includes both broadleaf and grass seedlings.
Weed image search tool: From the Strand Memorial Herbarium.
- Plants are searchable by common names, plant families or genera.
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