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University of Minnesota Extension

Soybean seed quality

Seed quality reports

2023 reports

2022 reports

2021 reports

2020 reports

2019 reports

2018 reports

2017 reports

Producing high quality soybeans

Farmers in Minnesota and the Dakotas raise some of the highest-quality soybeans in the world.  Since the majority of soybeans grown in this region are bound for markets around the world,  delivering a quality product with limited foreign material is essential.

Managing foreign matter and keeping soybeans clean is a multi-pronged approach:

  • Weed management -  use approved herbicides judiciously and other weed management tactics to keep fields clean from planting through harvest. 
  • Harvest - use proper combine settings to keep foreign material out of the hopper and harvest at the proper moisture content to reduce splitting and cracking.
  • Storage - monitor grain bins and aerate to keep soybeans in condition.


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