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University of Minnesota Extension

Customized education

Community development

Coaching and training for local business retention

Is your community ready to launch a business retention initiative in Minnesota? Extension offers training, facilitation and expert advice to community leaders to help you move through the process.

Financial education

Tax education for professionals

Income tax preparation, agricultural tax issues, timber management and taxation

Your Money, Your Goals

This toolkit equips frontline staff with tools and skills to empower clients in understanding their own financial situations and connects them to resources available in their community.

Who Gets Grandma's Yellow Pie Plate?™

Offer this workshop to your group to provide the basics on transferring non-titled property.

Health education

Health care directive workshop

Arrange for us to come and teach on this important topic. Excellent resource for employee groups, community organizations, and more.

Leadership and civic engagement

Leadership education offerings

Extension's leadership programs focus on what you need to lead in your community. Our cohort approach to leadership education helps you learn and grow new knowledge and skills to bring people together and solve problems.

Community leadership programs

How Extension works with sponsors of leadership and civic engagement programs.

Nutrition education

Cooking Matters Minnesota

Cooking Matters Minnesota empowers families at risk of hunger with the skills, knowledge and confidence to make healthy, delicious and affordable meals.

Food safety at farmers markets

Tips to safely offer samples at farmers markets to promote your products and comply with the law.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed)

Find all of the educational offerings that SNAP-Ed team members deliver throughout the state.

Systems Approaches for Healthy Communities

Systems Approaches for Healthy Communities is a web-based, professional development program. It promotes the integration of policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) interventions with educational strategies.

Workshops for school foodservice professionals

Bring one of these workshops on increasing participation in school breakfast, creating Smarter Lunchrooms, serving fruits and vegetables, and lowering sodium to your school district.

Pesticide safety and environmental education

Pesticide safety certification and resources

Pesticide education and resources for certified and licensed applicators, those seeking certification, and other professionals

Commercial, noncommercial pesticide applicators

Recertification workshops, testing and training for licensed commercial and noncommercial pesticide applicators

Private pesticide applicators

Recertification workshops, testing and training for those who apply restricted use pesticides (RUPs) to their own land or sites for the production of agricultural commodities

Structural pesticide applicators

Recertification workshops for people who apply pesticides on, in, under or around structures

Youth development programs

Culturally Responsive Youth Work Matters

Explore cultural identities and examine how they affect interactions with youth. Culturally responsive practice creates a sense of belonging and empowerment in young people.

Dilemmas in Youth Work

Dig into the sticky challenges and issues of youth work and examine various ways to respond to real-life problems in their program.

Strengthening Youth Work Supervision

Explores youth work management, leadership and provides internal professional development strategies targeted to youth work practice.

Social and Emotional Learning

This training suite will help you design programs to support SEL, recognize and respond to unexpected opportunities to learn and practice SEL skills, and apply resources and activities from our SEL toolkit.

Youth Engagement Matters

Based on the Rings of Engagement, which shows the range of youth engagement and youth-adult partnerships. It teaches four ways to engage youth.

Youth Work Matters

Learn skills to help you work with young people. The content comes from a combination of real youth work experience and research.


WeConnect is both a program model and a curriculum that helps young people see that they are participants in a global society. It prepares them to thrive in culturally-diverse settings. Developed for middle school-aged youth, but can be adapted for other age groups.

Youth Teaching Youth

The 4-H Youth Teaching Youth program trains teens to take an active role in the teaching and leading of healthy living curriculum to their younger counterparts.

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