The University of Minnesota Extension SNAP-Ed team can partner with your agency on any of the educational offerings below. Click on a link to get an overview, objectives, space and time requirements, as well as more information, including whom to contact.
Educational programs
Choose Health: Food, Fun, and Fitness
- For: 3rd through 6th graders
- Program focus: Teach healthy eating and active play
- For: 3rd through 5th graders
- Program focus: How to prepare and make smart food choices
- For: Elementary children
- Program focus: Nutrition and physical activity
Go Wild with Fruits & Veggies (SNAP-Ed)
- For: 3rd through 5th graders
- Program focus: Eat more fruits and vegetables and become more physically active
- For: 4th through 6th graders
- Program focus: Learn where food comes from and how to eat healthier
Cooking Matters for Teens — Cooking Matters for Teens teaches adolescents in 6th grade and up how to make healthy food choices and prepare healthy meals and snacks.
Health U — A Nutrition Curriculum for Teenagers with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
Cooking is a SNAP (SNAP-Ed) — Culinary nutrition education program that teaches skills for adults to achieve healthier living on a budget.
Cooking Matters at the Farmers Market (SNAP-Ed) — A one-time class designed to help adults living in Minnesota make healthy food choices on a limited budget.
Cooking Matters at the Store (SNAP-Ed) — A class designed to help adults living in Minnesota make healthy food choices on a limited budget.
Cooking Matters for Adults (SNAP-Ed) — Educational program that teaches adults how to shop for healthy foods and prepare delicious, nutritious meals on a limited budget.
Eat Healthy, Be Active — Educational program designed to guide adults in eating healthier foods and increasing physical activity.
Healthy Cents —Educational program designed to help adults save money while purchasing healthy food.
I CAN Prevent Diabetes (SNAP-Ed) — Educational program designed to help adults diagnosed with pre-Type 2 diabetes prevent or delay the onset of the disease.
Honoring the Gift of Heart Health — Educational program designed to help American Indian (AI) and Alaska Native (AN) adults prevent heart disease.
Eat Smart, Live Strong — Educational program designed to improve fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity among able-bodied, 60- to 74-year olds.
Seniors Eating Well — Educational program that teaches older adults over age 50 about nutrition, physical activity, and other aspects of healthy living.
Back to the Kitchen: Healthy Cooking Series — Educational program for children and adults.
Cooking Matters for Families (SNAP-Ed) — Educational program for children and parents that brings them together to learn about healthy eating, planning meals as a family, and working together in the kitchen.
Family Gardening — Educational program for all family members, both children and adults.
My TIME to Eat Healthy and Move More — Home-based educational program for parents or caregivers and their children ages 3-5.
Cooking Matters for Parents (SNAP-Ed) — Educational program that teaches parents and other caregivers of young children how to shop for nutritious foods and prepare healthy, delicious meals that pre-K and K-2 kids will enjoy.
Let’s Cook and Eat Healthy — A partner education workshop for those who work with low-income clients.
Classroom Energizers Teacher Workshop — This workshop is for classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, and other school staff.
Reviewed in 2020