E-communications from the Pesticide Safety and Environmental Education program may include workshop updates, newsletter, applicator licensing information, registration deadlines, or other pesticide safety news and event information.
Private applicators apply restricted use pesticides (RUPs) to lands or sites they own, rent or manage for the production of an agricultural commodity. Farmers and their families who apply RUPs to their land can apply for a private applicator certification.
Registration for 2025 recertification workshops and the online exam is open
Attend a 2025 recertification workshop if your applicator certification has not expired and has an expiration date of March 1, 2025. Recertification workshops are held in January and February.
Reminder: Registration is available online if you prefer to pay in advance by credit card (optional). Walk-in registration is still available and payable by check only (no cash).
You must take the online or mail-in exam if:
- You are a new private applicator.
- You are a current applicator who didn’t attend a workshop.
- You are an applicator with an expired certification.
New for 2025: You must be at least 18 years old to be certified.
For help with the online registration process see our videos under Registration help.
Note: The exam and workshops are available only in English at this time.
Find study manuals and exam information below.
Certification lasts for three years. You will be assigned your own applicator number when you first get certified. No one else can use your applicator number, including family members.
To check your certification number, status and expiration date, go to the Minnesota Department of Agriculture Private Pesticide Applicator Search page. Or call the MDA at 651-201-6633.
How to get certified
If you are a new applicator or if your certification has expired, you must take the exam to become certified.
- Complete the mail-in exam as a home study course. Private Pesticide Applicator study manuals (19th Edition; $10) and mail-in exams are available at most county Extension offices. Find your county Extension office.
- Or you can complete the exam online.
How to recertify
If your certification has not yet expired, choose one of the following recertification options:
- Complete a mail-in exam,
- Take an online exam, or
- Attend an in-person or Zoom workshop offered in January or February.
Each option costs $100.
If your certification has expired, you must complete the mail-in or online exam.
The exam is required for initial certification or if your certification has expired. You may recertify by exam instead of attending a workshop. The exam has 50 questions and is offered in English.
Exam registration begins on Jan. 3, 2025.
Exam deadlines
- Online exam deadline: midnight, Oct. 31. All online exam attempts must be completed before the system closes on this deadline.
- Mail-in exam deadline: Oct. 31. All exams, including second and third attempts, must be mailed and postmarked by this date. No exceptions.
Online exam requirements
- Use your own email address to register
- DO NOT USE someone else's email address. If you use someone else's email address, the certification won't be issued in your name and you will need to register, pay and retake the exam to become certified.
- Registration information and exam access are sent to the email address you use when you register.
- You must use Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
- Download the Google Chrome web browser.
- Download the Firefox web browser.
- Safari, which comes with all Apple products, should work as well.
- The exam will not work with Internet Explorer.
$100, payable by credit or debit card
The fee includes three attempts to pass the exam in one calendar year. Once you pay for the online exam, you cannot switch to any other exam or course without paying again.
- Watch our Registration Help videos and reset your UMN guest account before starting your registration.
- Have your Private Pesticide Applicator Certification Number ready for registration. If you don't have your certification card, get your certification number from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture websiteor call 651-201-6633.
- Review our cancelation, transfer and refund policies.
At the end of the registration process, your receipt will be displayed on the screen. Click on "Receipt Notes" and the link to your exam will be available. The link is also provided in your University of Minnesota Confirmation email for future exam access (do not delete the email). Please check your junk or spam email if you can’t find it.
Need help?
- For all account or login-related issues, please contact the University’s helpdesk at 612-301-4357.
- For any other registration questions, please contact us at 612-626-2219 or [email protected]. Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Need more help? See the private pesticide applicator online exam guide (English-only PDF) for instructions on how to take the exam.
About the exam
You need an 80 percent score or better to pass the exam.
- If you scored at least 80 percent (40+ points), do not retake the exam. If you do, you will not receive your certification.
- You can take the exam three times in one calendar year. If you fail the exam three times, try again next year.
- Review the study manual and answer questions based on the manual.
- The exam will automatically save your answers to each question. There is no "Save" button in the exam.
- You will not see how you answered the questions in previous exam attempts.
If you have any questions about making a second or third attempt on the exam please email [email protected].
Need to retake or work on your unfinished exam?
To access the online exam you registered for, visit canvas.umn.edu. Log in to Canvas using the email address (Internet ID) and password you used for registration.
Getting your temporary certificate
After you have passed the exam, you will be able to view and print your temporary certificate in Canvas. The certificate can be used to purchase restricted-use pesticides before you receive your permanent private pesticide certification card from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture. Please allow up to 60 days to receive your new card.
Mail-in exam
Mail-in test packets are available from most local county Extension offices. Please call ahead to check supplies and office hours. Mail-in tests must be received before Oct. 31.
19th Edition Private Pesticide Applicator Study Manual
The 19th edition is the study manual to use to prepare for the exam. Older versions of the manual do not include all topics and materials covered by the exam. You may download the manual for free or buy printed copies.
Download the manual by chapter
- Introduction and table of contents
- 1. Integrated pest management
- 2. Pesticide laws
- 3. The pesticide label
- 4. Pesticide formulations
- 5. Protecting the environment
- 6. Health and safety
- 7. Safe handling: the application process
- 8. Personal protective equipment
- 9. Pesticide application procedures and equipment
- Appendix A: Pesticide toxicities
- Appendix B: Glossary
- Appendix C: Conversions and calculations
Where to buy a printed manual
- View and order manuals from Gleason Printing.
- If you can't order online, call 952-925-1345 to order manuals over the phone and pay by credit or debit card.
- Or download and print this order form and mail it in with your check.
- Questions about ordering from Gleason Printing? Email [email protected] or call 952-925-1345.
- You also can buy the manual at your local county Extension office (call ahead to make sure they have them).
Fumigation manuals
- For Private Soil Fumigation endorsement, buy the new Soil fumigation manual (Category O) from Gleason Printing.
- For the Private Stored Grain and Fumigation endorsement, buy the Stored grain and fumigation manual (Category N) from Gleason Printing.
Aerial manual
For Private Aerial endorsement, buy the Aerial Pesticide Applicator's Training manual (Category B) from Gleason Printing.
Please read carefully. There are no exceptions to these policies.
- When you register, you must use your name and your contact information, including your personal email address to receive credit.
- To transfer to a different workshop, you must request this change BEFORE the registration deadline.
- To cancel your registration, you must cancel before the registration deadline to receive a partial refund. There is a $30 cancellation fee, even if requested before the registration deadline.
- There is no refund if you cancel after the registration deadline.
- There is no refund if you register incorrectly.
Setting up and maintaining an existing guest account when registering can be confusing. Before registering for a course, we encourage you to use the references below to help you.
Password and Guest Account how-to video (English):
Registration step-by-step how-to video (English):
Or download the step-by-step registration guide (PDF).
Need more help?
For all account and login-related issues, please contact the University’s Helpdesk at 612-301-4357.
For registration-related customer service, please contact Extension Registration at [email protected] or see below for phone registration options.
- Workshop Fee: $100
- Online Registration: Optional, payable by credit card; includes workshop updates. Advance online registration is required for Zoom workshops.
- Walk-In Registration: Available with payment by check only (payable to the University of Minnesota). Cash and credit cards are not accepted.
- Requirements: Bring your applicator certification card and photo ID to the workshop. These are also required for Zoom workshops.
- Help: Online registration assistance is available through videos under Registration help.
Before heading out to your workshop
A workshop may be canceled or postponed due to facility issues, illness or bad weather. Before leaving for your workshop, check the following resources for last-minute cancellations or updates.
- Check for updates on the list of workshops. Cancellations and postponements will be posted. If you registered online, check your email for a cancellation notice and don’t forget to check your spam or junk folders, too!
- Contact the Farm Information Line at 800-232-9077 or [email protected].
- We also post updates on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter).
2025 workshops
Online registration closes three days before a scheduled workshop. For workshops that take place on Mondays, the registration closes four days before the workshop date.
Use the scroll bar on the right side of the chart to find a workshop near you.
Register for a workshop by clicking on the “Registration Link” in the workshop chart. When you click on a registration link, workshops will be grouped by region. Links will be removed from the chart when the online registration deadline has passed. You can still register and pay onsite on the day of the workshop.
If you know your region, you can click on these links to go straight to the registration page:
- Register SE/So Central Region
- Register NW Region
- Register W Central Region
- Register Central Region
- Register SW Region
- Register Zoom Workshop
View this chart in your browser.
Zoom workshops
You will need access to a reliable and stable internet-connected device such as a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet. Your device must have a microphone, speaker, and built-in camera or external webcam.
- Download Zoom and test to make sure your device is Zoom-compatible.
- Use Google Chrome internet browser. Download Chrome for free.
- Zoom demo video (Is Zoom a good fit for you?)
- Zoom participant guide (Learn more about using Zoom)
- Participants are required to interact with the presentations to be counted as present.
- A few days before your scheduled Zoom workshop, you will receive an email with the Zoom link, agenda, handouts, and additional information on how to join the workshop.
Applicators can sign up for any Zoom workshop but some content will be focused on certain growers. We reserve the right to cancel a Zoom workshop due to low enrollment. Cancellation decisions will be made several days before a workshop and those registered will be notified.
To register by phone
Paying online using our registration portal is secure, available 24 hours a day, and provides immediate enrollment. However, if you wish to register by phone, Extension registration professionals are here to help. Please contact us using one of the following methods. We will be in touch within three business days.
- Fill out a request form to have someone call you to help you register, or
- Call our voicemail line and leave a message at 612-626-5174.
Online registration tips
- You must use your own email address to register.
- DO NOT USE someone else’s email address. If you use someone else’s email address you won't be certified.
- There is no refund for registering incorrectly.
- Workshop information is sent to the email used in registration.
- If you have an existing UMN guest account, you must change your password before registering.
- Watch our Guest Account and Registration Help videos or view the Registration Step-by-Step Guide for additional help.
- Have your Private Pesticide Applicator certification number ready for registration.
- Do not use someone else’s certification number.
- If you have lost your registration card, get your certification number from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture website or call 651-201-6633.
- Review our cancellation, transfer and refund policies.
Online registration confirmation
- Click on "Receipt Notes" on the registration screen for important workshop information.
- Receipt notes can also be found in your University of Minnesota confirmation email (check your spam or junk folder if you did not receive it).
MDA requirements for workshop participation
- The Minnesota Department of Agriculture requires workshop participants to attend the entire workshop to receive credit for recertification.
- If you arrive at an in-person workshop or join a Zoom workshop more than 15 minutes late, you will not receive recertification credit — no exceptions.
Getting your temporary certificate
A receipt will be mailed to you approximately two weeks after the workshop and can be used as temporary proof of workshop completion for recertification when purchasing restricted-use pesticides.
Please allow up to 60 days to receive your new certification card from the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
Contact us
Questions about private applicator workshops or exam content
Tana Haugen-Brown, Extension educator and co-coordinator
[email protected] or 763-260-4423
Questions about mail-in and online exams
[email protected] or 612-626-2219