Your Money, Your Goals (YMYG) is a financial empowerment toolkit created by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). This toolkit equips frontline staff with tools and skills to empower clients in understanding their own financial situations and connects them to resources available in their community.
You can download the toolkit and start using it right away, or you can sign up for a training session.
At the end of the YMYG training session, you will feel confident in using the toolkit to help increase the financial knowledge and skills of the individuals and families you work with each day.
Accessing the Toolkit
You can get started with using Your Money, Your Goals today. Download the Your Money, Your Goals Toolkit from the CFPB website.
Getting Trained
We offer free training for financial empowerment trainers, case managers, and other frontline staff. A training session includes:
- An orientation to the Your Money, Your Goals toolkit.
- An overview of the full Your Money, Your Goals training.
- The tools, knowledge, and confidence to provide this training in your community.
Contact us to customize a training for your organization.
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