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Climate resilience resources for vegetable growers in Minnesota

The USDA’s Adaptation Resources for Agriculture Guide outlines seven broad strategies for climate resilience on farms. We encourage growers to review the guide, and then use this page to find resources specific to vegetable production in the Upper Midwest that align with each strategy. 

Climate risks for vegetable growers

Scientists have determined that Minnesota has experienced increasing annual average temperatures, decreasing winter temperatures, a lengthened growing season, and increased severity of droughts and rainstorms since the early 1900s. 

Climate change models help us assess what the future will look like and show us multiple outcomes for our future climate based on time range (2040-2060, 2080-2100) and different levels of greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere.

Climate models project the following about our future climate in Minnesota by the years 2040-2060:

  • Increased average precipitation statewide in spring, winter and fall.
  • No change or a slight decrease in average summer precipitation.
  • Increased frequency of wet and dry extremes such as heavy rains (more than 2 inches) and drought statewide.
    • Longer periods between wet and dry events.
  • Warmer average temperatures year-round, with the greatest change in winter average temperature.
  • Increased number of days at or above 90°F, increased number of nights at or above 70°F.
    • Higher intensity of drought due to higher temperatures.
  • Decreased number of days at or below 32°F, decreased number of nights at or below 0°F.
  • Later freeze dates, earlier thaw dates.

(If you are applying for funds for climate mitigation practices, you can use the bullet points above to add a justification to your grant application.)

We encourage you to see what's projected for your region because our climate is not uniform across the state. See resources from the University of Minnesota Climate Adaptation partnership and the Environmental Protection Agency :

Climate change strategies for your farm operations


Reviewed in 2024

Page survey

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