Do you have 5 minutes to spare? Learn something new with one of these short videos.
Preserving and preparing food safely
Learn how to preserve, prepare and cook fresh food safely.
The basics
- Food preservation basics
- Food preservation FAQs
- Food preservation and canning troubleshooting guide
- Food preservation supplies and equipment resource list
- Home food preservation courses
- Vacuum sealing food at home safely
Food preservation methods
- Boiling water canning method - video (8:21)
- Guidelines for safely using a steam canner for home food preservation- North Central Food Safety Extension Network (PDF)
- Botulism: take care when canning low-acid foods
- Canning quick reference chart
- Food preservation and canning troubleshooting guide
- Home canning basics
- Pressure canning 101 - video (8:11)
- Stop BOT botulism - video (4:15)
- Storing canned food
- Storing home canned products - video (1:16)
- Testing dial pressure canner gauges
About drying
Drying fruits
Drying vegetables
- How to dry tomatoes at home
- Preserving herbs by freezing or drying
- Preserving winter squash and pumpkins
Drying meats
About freezing
- Freezing fruit for sweet success- video (8:08)
- Freezing vegetables for tasty results - video (6:55)
- The science of freezing foods
Freezing fruits
Freezing vegetables
- Freezing leafy greens for later use
- Freezing sweet corn: whole kernels
- Preserving herbs by freezing or drying
- Preserving winter squash and pumpkins
- Three ways to freeze fresh raw tomatoes
- Vegetable blanching directions and times for home freezer storage
Freezing meats
Freeze drying
Preserving and preparing different types of food
Different kinds of food may require different ways of handling them.
Handling and storing fresh fruits
Canning fruits
- Blackberry and huckleberry jam and syrup made from wild fruit
- Canning apples
- Chokecherry jelly and syrup made from wild fruit
- Cranberry jelly made from wild fruit
- Gooseberry jam made from wild fruit
- Gooseberry jelly made from wild fruit
- Grape and crabapple jelly made from wild fruit
- Pincherry jelly and syrup made from wild fruit
- Preparing and using syrups for preserving fruits
- Rose hip jelly and jam made from wild fruit
- Sandcherry jelly made from wild fruit
Freezing fruits
- Freezing fruit for sweet success- video (8:08)
- How to freeze fruit for the best flavor
- Preparing and using syrups for preserving fruits
Drying fruit
Canning and freezing meats
Drying meats
Safe cooking of meats
Canning tomatoes
Home canning tomatoes - video (4:11)
- Canning crushed tomatoes using a boiling-water canner
- Canning Minnesota tomato mixture
- Canning tomato products - safety guidelines
- Canning tomato-based salsa
- Canning tomatoes: whole, half and juice
Drying and freezing tomatoes
Vegetables and herb food safety
Canning, freezing and drying vegetables
- Freezing leafy greens for later use
- Freezing sweet corn: whole kernels
- Freezing vegetables for tasty results - video (6:55)
- Preserving herbs by freezing or drying
- Preserving winter squash and pumpkins
- Vegetable blanching directions and times for home freezer storage
Pickling vegetables
Food safety
About storage
- Freezer inventory (PDF)
Safe food storage
- Are molds on foods dangerous?
- Botulism: take care when canning low-acid foods
- Don't ignore food recalls
- Handling eggs safely to prevent Salmonella
- Listeria: answers to common questions
- Making homemade egg nog that's safe
- Norovirus: step-by-step clean up of vomit and diarrhea
- Pectin use in jam and jellies
- Sick from eating food? Symptoms? Who and when to report.
- Spices linked to Salmonella contamination
- Are molds on foods dangerous?
- Cooking safely for a crowd
- Cool soup safely
- Don't ignore food recalls
- Follow package instructions when cooking frozen foods
- Food preservation basics
- Handling eggs safely to prevent Salmonella
- Handling fresh fruits and vegetables safely
- Home food preservation courses
- Homemade ice cream
- Making safe baby food
- Planning the quantity food occasion
- Safe food handling basics
- Service style risks and safe practices
- Storing and reheating leftovers
- Tips to prevent food waste and maintain food safety
- Why wash fruits and vegetables before use - video (1:56)
- Wash your hands before glove use - video (2:44)
- How to use hand sanitizer safely - video (2:33)
- Tips to safely heat and reheat food - video (4:41)
- Demonstration and procedures to cool food safely - video (7:28)
Home and community courses

Cooking safely for a crowd
Learn how to plan, prepare and serve food safely at any large group event. Watch the 20-minute video individually or use the leader's guide and handouts to teach a group.

Home food preservation courses
A variety of courses are available for people who preserve and process food at home.
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