Quick facts
- Check your equipment and review current canning recommendations to prevent potential problems.
- If you are using recipes or procedures written before 1994, you are using outdated materials.
Why didn't the lid seal? How do I keep my peaches from floating? Many problems with home canned products can be traced using non-recommended or outdated canning equipment or procedures.
If you are using recipes or procedures written before 1994, you are using outdated materials. For safety's sake, please update your methods.
Choose reliable and safe home canning recipes
Some sources of food preservation recipes may not be based on fact or research. When it comes to home canning, it is important to always use current research-based recipes.
Safe home canning recipes are developed by researchers who repeat the entire recipe preparation and canning process many times to get accurate data. Microorganisms are put into the jars to make sure the processing time is sufficient to destroy them.
Where do I find reliable recipes?
- The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is a major source of research-based food preservation recommendations. You can find these recommendations at the National Center for Home Food Preservation.
- State Extension services that are partners with USDA are also credible sources.
- Plus, recent editions of Ball publications (The Ball Blue Book, Complete Book of Home Preserving) are reliable.
How do I know if a recipe is “reliable”?
Make sure your canning recipes follow the latest guidelines. Depending on the food, all recipes must be canned either in a boiling water canner or steam canner (high acid foods) or in a pressure canner (low acid foods).
- Significant changes to canning guidelines were made in 1994 that are critical to canning tomatoes, pickles and meats.
- In 2006 and 2009, canning guidelines were reviewed and revised again.
- Be sure your recipes are based on guidelines developed after 1994 (or later).
How do I know if a source is NOT providing reliable recipes?
Be suspicious of short cuts. If you notice any of the following red flags, check another source:
- Directions for canning non-pickled vegetables and meats that do not include a pressure canner.
- The recipe is “made-up” or changed by the person providing the information.
- Directions for processing jars in the oven, dishwasher, or an appliance other than a pressure or boiling water canner.
- Directions for putting hot food or liquid into jars and putting on lids with no additional processing.
- If the source does not provide information about processing at different elevations.
- NOTE: Recipes are developed assuming you are at sea-level. Water boils at a lower temperature when you go to higher elevations. As a result, you must process food longer to destroy pathogens.
- Minnesota is above sea level and many areas are above 1,000 feet requiring more time or increased pressure.
Common problems
Reprocessing procedure
If a lid fails to seal on a jar, you have 3 options:
Remove the lid and check the jar-sealing surface for tiny nicks. If necessary, change the jar, add a new, properly prepared lid, and reprocess within 24 hours using the same processing time.
Adjust headspace in unsealed jars to 1½ inch and freeze instead of reprocessing.
- Refrigerate unsealed jars and eat canned product within seven days of refrigeration.
Possible causes
- Use of jars other than official canning jars or lids.
- Chipped or uneven rim on jar.
- Screw bands are rusty or bent, causing poor contact.
- Bands not screwed down tightly enough before processing.
- Turn band until you meet resistance, then turn it one-quarter turn.
- Rim on jar not clean. Wipe rim well before putting lid on.
- Liquid leaks out of jar during processing, leaving food particles on the sealing edge.
- Insufficient heat during processing - air not removed from jar so a vacuum seal never forms.
- Remove air by inserting a rubber spatula or plastic knife inside the jar; gently lift food to remove any trapped air.
- Lids were improperly prepared before placing them on rims. Follow manufacturer's directions to prepare lids.
- Rapid, forced cooling of a pressure canner can cause a rapid pressure and temperature change inside the canner, causing the liquid to "boil" out of the jars, leaving particles on the sealing rim and unsealing the jars.
- Do not force canners into cooling rapidly by submerging them in water.
- Insufficient processing of raw-packed food.
- The air may not have been completely driven out of the food, leaving residual air in the jar so the seal does not form.
- Use of canning procedures that are not recommended, such as open-kettle canning and oven canning.
- Incorrect amount of headspace.
Possible causes
Processing at an incorrect temperature due to:
- Inaccurate pressure canner gauge.
- Dial gauges should be checked every year. Free testing available. Contact your local Extension office.
- Failure to exhaust canner.
- Failure to make altitude adjustment.
- In Minnesota, process at altitudes between 1001-2000 feet.
- Heat source fluctuates - inaccurate pressure or fluctuating pressure.
- Water not at a rolling boil when jars are put into water bath canner.
- Water not covering jar caps by 1 inch throughout processing.
- Water not at full boil throughout processing.
- Not processing long enough.
- Use of canning procedures which are not recommended.
- Recommended procedures (USDA) are based on the time it takes to achieve a temperature which will sterilize the food in the jar.
Improper cooling of jars after processing:
- Failure to remove jars from canner when processing time is up or when pressure gauge reads 0.
- Failure to set jars at least 1 inch apart during cooling.
- Covering jars, which retains heat so vacuum does not develop.
- Attempting to cool either the canner or the jars very rapidly.
Other reasons for spoilage:
- Using damaged (freeze-damaged), spoiled, underripe or over-ripe food.
- The pH may not be correct for the type of processing you used (water-bath vs. pressure).
- Ingredients were added that were NOT in an approved recipe.
Possible causes
- Jars filled too full (leave recommended headspace).
- Fluctuating pressure in a pressure canner. Not exhausting pressure canner long enough.
- Allow steam to escape for 10 minutes before closing vent or valve.
- Forced cooling of a pressure canner.
- Jars packed too tightly.
- Removed jars from water bath canner too quickly.
- After removing cover, let jars sit 5 minutes in canner before removing to reduce boil overs and ensure a tight seal.
- Removed jar from pressure canner too quickly.
- After pressure returns to 0 and weight is removed, let jars sit in canner for 10 minutes before removing.
- The canner stood too long after pressure returned to zero.
- Starchy foods absorb some liquid.
- Water not 1 inch over jar lids during processing.
Possible causes
- Insufficient processing time.
- Processing temperature too low.
- Water not at a full boil at beginning of processing or drops below full boil during processing.
- Water not 1 inch over jar lids during processing.
- Packing foods raw that should be precooked (pears).
- Liquid loss during processing, causing fruit at the top to be out of the liquid.
Possible causes
- Using overripe fruit.
- Packing fruit too loosely.
- Syrup too heavy.
- Processing too long - destroys pectin.
- Processing at too high a temperature (pressure canner).
- Raw packing - food contains a lot of air.
- Smashing or pureeing food prior to heating it activates enzymes which break down pectin in the juice so the food pieces are lighter and rise to the top.
- Heat or crush while heating any food to be pureed or food to be packed in its own juice to help prevent separation.
- Enzyme changes during handling causes separation of juice, especially tomato.
- Heat tomatoes quickly to simmering temperatures.
Possible causes
- Starch in vegetables like peas and dry beans.
- Minerals in water. Use soft water.
- Fillers in table salt. Use canning salt.
- Yellow sediment in green vegetables or onions (natural occurrence).
- White crystals in spinach (natural occurrence).
- Overripe fruit.
- Spoilage. Process using recommended method and recommended time.
Possible causes
Overcooking or heating at a higher temperature in hot-packed products. Excessive heat changes all natural food pigments.
Very dry, hot weather often causes fruit to turn pink (natural occurrence).
Cauliflower with a purplish tinge is commonly grown. Purple cauliflower is safe to eat.
Purpling can develop in white varieties of cauliflower if the heads are exposed to light while developing.
Heat may induce a color change from purple to gray or slate blue, especially if the water is hard or had an alkaline pH.
If you prefer to have cooked cauliflower, add a little vinegar or cream of tartar (tartaric acid) to the water.
Red pigments in beets fade if the beets are overcooked before canning or over-processed during canning.
You can eat the food if the liquid is clear, the odor is natural, and if you used the recommended processing methods, time and temperature.
Garlic has an iridescent greenish or purplish coloring, this is the result of using immature garlic - it was not completely dry.
Possible causes
- Overcooking the fruit when extracting the juice.
- Using incorrect proportions of sugar and juice.
- Undercooking.
- Using overripe fruit.
- Doubling the recipe.
You can re-cook the mixture or enjoy the soft jelly on ice cream, angel food cake or pancakes.
To remake with powdered pectin:
For each quart of jelly:
- In a saucepan, mix 1/4 cup sugar, 1/2 cup water, 2 tablespoons bottled lemon juice and 4 teaspoons powdered pectin.
- Bring to a boil while stirring.
- Add jelly and bring to a rolling boil over high heat, stirring constantly.
- Boil hard 1/2 minute.
- Remove from heat and quickly skim foam off jelly.
- Fill sterile jars leaving a 1/4 inch headspace.
- Adjust new lids and process half-pints and pints in a boiling water bath canner for 10 minutes.
To remake with liquid pectin:
For each quart of jelly:
- Measure 3/4 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons bottled lemon juice and 2 tablespoons liquid pectin.
- In a saucepan, bring jelly only to boil over high heat while stirring.
- Remove from heat and quickly add the sugar, lemon juice and pectin.
- Bring to a full rolling boil, stirring constantly.
- Boil hard for 1 minute.
- Remove from heat and quickly skim off foam.
- Fill sterile jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace.
- Adjust lids and process half-pints and pints in a boiling water bath canner for 10 minutes.
To remake without added pectin:
For each quart of jelly:
- In a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons bottled lemon juice to the jelly.
- Heat to boiling and boil for 3 to 4 minutes.
- To test for doneness, pour a small amount of boiling jam on a cold plate.
- Put this in a freezer for a few minutes. If the mixture gels, it is ready to fill.
- Remove from heat and quickly skim off foam.
- Fill sterile jars leaving 1/4 inch headspace.
- Adjust lids and process half-pints and pints in a water bath canner for 10 minutes.
When making jams and jellies, always follow directions on recipes and packages.
- Cooperative Extension Service, The University of Georgia, 6th edition (2014). So Easy to Preserve.
- National Center for Home Food Preservation.
Reviewed in 2020