Extension in Rice County

Welcome to Rice County
Rice County partners with Extension to deliver practical education and research you can use at home, at work and in your community.
[email protected] or 507-332-6109
Rice County Extension office
U of M Extension, Rice County
[email protected]
1900 Fairgrounds Drive #17
Faribault, MN 55021-8835
Phone: 507-332-6109
Office hours
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Chadwick, Kelly, Extension educator, 4-H Youth Development
[email protected] or 507-332-6163
Lermon, Ryan, Extension educator, Ag Production Systems
[email protected] or 507-330-0447
Holling, Lisa, Extension administrative assistant
[email protected] or 507-332-6162
Rugg, Lorrie, Master Gardener program coordinator
[email protected] or 507-332-6164
Sparrow, Hailey, SNAP-Ed health and wellness coordinator
[email protected] or 507-332-5948
Rice County events
View all events hosted in and near Rice County.
Extension courses and events
Extension provides in-person and online educational events all over Minnesota. Find one to attend.
Rice County news
Read all news from Rice County.
Extension wide news
Read the latest news from all of Extension's programs.
Extension brings Minnesotans together to build a better future through University science-based knowledge, expertise and training. Learn more about Extension by visiting our about page and by browsing this website.
Interested in learning more about 4-H?
- Contact our 4-H staff to learn more, including how to get started in 4-H.
Ready to join or re-enroll?
What does 4-H have to offer
- Minnesota State 4-H - website
- What is Minnesota 4-H? - video
- What is a 4-H Club? - video
- What is a Cloverbud? - video
- What is a 4-H Project? - video
- MN State 4-H Project Information Guide - informational sheet
Rice County 4-H
Volunteering with 4-H
There are also many ways adults (anyone age 18+) can support youth learning and leading in 4-H.
Want to learn about volunteering with the 4-H Youth Development Program?
Visit the Volunteering with 4-H page to learn more about how volunteers positively impact youth and community
Contact your 4-H Extension Educator to learn about specific roles available in your community
Ready to become a screened Minnesota 4-H volunteer?
Visit the Apply to become a 4-H volunteer page to begin the application and screening process
Kelly Chadwick, Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
[email protected] or 507-332-6163 (direct), 507-330-2018 (cell)
4-H Competitive Events: Deadlines, consequences and exemptions
Leadership opportunities
Here are a few leadership opportunities you can be involved in as a youth or adult volunteer on the county level.
Awards and scholarship
Family Banquet
Every fall at the family banquet, we announce several award recipients who are youth and adults involved with the 4-H program. You can fill them out for yourself or nominate somebody else.
2023-24 Rice County 4-H Family Banquet Program
- Special awards nomination script
- Past award winners
- Award descriptions
- 2024-25 Scholarship application, deadline September Federation Meeting (will be posted when it has been updated)
Club recognition
Every year clubs are recognized for the club/member/volunteer participation with a monetary award. The following forms are to assist the club leaders in gathering this information:
- 2024-25 Club Recognition Award Form (Word fill-in) - form to be completed by club leader and turned into the office by November 1, 2025. (Download the form, complete, save.)
- Club Event Tracking Form - to use with the Club Recognition form to compile numbers from the family tracking form.
- Family Event Tracking Form - for families to keep track of participation for the 4-H year October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025 to assist club leaders in completing the club recognition form.
Application/nominations forms
- Achievement pin
- Agricultural pin
- Alumni
- Early Graduation
- Friend of 4-H
- Outstanding Adult Leader
- Outstanding Youth Leader
- Project pin
- Minnesota key information
Financial information and forms
The following are various documents and links that relate to the finances of Rice County 4-H. If you are not finding what you are looking for, please contact the Extension office.
Bonus Funding form to complete for 2024-2025 4-H year
The completed form needs to be turned in to the Extension office by the 2024 November federation meeting.
County information
- 2024-25 budget
- Rice County program/financial policies
- Special request form
- Rice County Family Event registration reimbursement form
Club information
Record Judging
Do not use the state records!
- To participate in county record judging, records must be turned in at the September federation meeting.
- Remember to clearly mark your records on the front page with your name, club, last grade completed, and project area.
- The top ten individuals will receive a cash award from Compeer Financial.
- General
- Livestock
- Summary
- Cloverbud - Cloverbuds use the same record as general and livestock and they are noncompetitive and reviewed just for feedback. Each Cloverbud participating in record judging will receive a gift.
Additional resources
4-H events in Rice County
Attend a 4-H event near you.
- Visit the Rice County 4-H Facebook page.
- Check out what is happening in the Rice County 4-H program (county and club meetings) Rice County 4-H Google Calendar.
All 4-H events
Find a 4-H event in Minnesota.
4-H news in Rice County
Stay informed about all that is happening in Rice County 4-H.
Statewide 4-H news
Learn more about what is happening in Minnesota 4-H.
Livestock and animal projects
The 2025 animal information for Rice County will be linked here as it becomes available.
Animal tagging/ID help guide for Rice County 4-H livestock exhibitors. This guide will show you the PROPER tagging/ID procedures and what IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Hopefully this will help in regards to the new RFID tag requirements.
- 2025 Minnesota 4-H Animal Science Identification Requirements
- State 4-H animal science guidelines
- 2025 Animal Science Updates
- Animal lease information
- Animal Ownership Requirements and Clarifications
- Market Beef - beef steers, market heifers and dairy steer:
- Market Beef (steers, market heifers & dairy steers) Information - emailed to families January 6.
- County wide livestock letter (all animals) emailed to families in March
- Sheep - Wether Dam information sheet (difference between a wether dam and a commercial ewe)
- Dog (will be posted when updated for 2025)
- Dog project meeting letter
- Rice County 4-H dog project handbook
- All about the dog project - State website
- Horse (will be posted when updated for 2025)
- Horse project letter
- Horse informational meeting registration - google form
- Horse stalling agreement (fill-in)
- State horse show points system
- All about the horse project - State website
Cloverbud information for parents & guardians
Minnesota 4-H supports livestock quality assurance and animal science ethics. All youth participating as a state fair 4-H livestock exhibitor in beef, dairy, sheep, swine, poultry, rabbits, meat goat, dairy goat, and llama must complete livestock quality assurance training. Members who certified (in-person) in 2021 or earlier will need to re-certify this year, 2024.
- Certification is required for state fair grade/age-eligible youth (6th grade and above). Must be completed before their home county fair qualifying show (Rice County - Friday, July 12).
- Minnesota 4-H youth must participate in one of the training options to be eligible for Minnesota 4-H state fair shows.
- A face-to-face 3-hour livestock quality assurance and ethics training from Minnesota 4-H. These will be offered in multiple locations statewide. This certification is valid for three fair seasons. Additional information concerning Livestock Quality Assurance trainings in our area will be listed in upcoming 4-H Family Updates.
- An online 1-hour youth quality care of animals training offered via distance learning. This certification is valid for one fair season. Cost: $12 (may have increased); pay at registration with a credit card. (This is a national program, and the registration fee pays for the national training system.).
Date and locations will be posted as they become available. Rice and Steele counties will be hosting certification sessions this year. Register on 4HOnline (space is limited). Sessions are 9 am to 12 pm with registration at 8:30 am. If these dates do not work for you go to the MN 4-H website for other locations.
Trainings promote responsible care of animals, making informed decisions in animal care and providing safe consumer food products. Check the LQA training page for available training options.
All projects
4-H Youth Development is a hands-on learning program for Minnesota youth. We offer online, small group and independent learning experiences for youth of all ages. In 4-H, youth choose the topic they find interesting and caring adults support their learning and leadership. From agronomy to space exploration and creative arts to outdoor adventures, 4-H has just the right learning experience for young people.
There are many ways to participate in 4-H!
The 2025 Rice County Fair is July 14-20 at the Rice County Fairgrounds in Faribault with pre-fair 4-H shows/judging/events starting on July 5.
Information will be posted as it is updated.
Registration and important dates/deadlines
- Registration will open mid May.
- Registration deadline is Monday, June 23.
- FairEntry online registrations must be completed by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, June 23.
- Submitting a paper entry form, needs to be turned into the extension office or postmarked by Monday, June 23.
- July 5-6 - 4-H Dog Show
- July 9 - Performing Arts/Creative Writing/General Demonstration Judging day
- July 10 - Clothing/Fashion Revue/Quilting Judging day
- July 14 - 4-H general judging day
- July 15 - 4-H livestock entry day
Exhibit reminders
- Each exhibit/animal needs to be entered online using FairEntry to receive premiums, awards and state trips.
- Exhibit/animals that are not correctly entered will only receive the blue, red or white ribbon and premium.
- Project classes are based on grades completed as of July 2025.
- Exhibit limits are five exhibits per project area (example: five crafts, five fine arts, five photo elements, five photo manipulation, five foods, five food preservation etc.).
- General Cloverbud exhibit limit is five.
- Clothing/Fashion Revue Exhibitor Letter - Judging Thursday, July 10
- Creative Writing Exhibitor Judging (Wednesday, July 9) Schedule
- Performing Arts Exhibitor Judging (Wednesday, July 10) Schedule
- You will not be able to attach the animal to the class when you enter the class on FairEntry. Animal(s) will be attached to the class at county fair check-in, which means only add the allowed number of entries per class.
- Exhibits limits as listed in premium book.
- Livestock Cloverbud limit is 1 animal per species.
- Swine/PIP Fair Exhibitor Letter
Cloverbud information for parents & guardians
Entering exhibits (general and livestock)
- FairEntry user guides and tutorials
- Register your fair entries in FairEntry
Rice County 4-H premium book
Exhibit suggestions listed under each project area or view the "Project Idea Suggestions"
Family information
- Family Fair Information - will be emailed to families in May
- 4-H Competitive Events: Deadlines, Consequences and Exemptions
- Fair Check List
- Conference Judging Information for Parents
- Conference judging Information for Youth
- 2024 Fair Update
- Evaluation/judges comment sheet - general project judging, if you want the judges written comments
When using the fill-in forms, you will need to download the fill-in form, save the form to your computer, complete the form, save the completed form and then email the form to the extension office by the deadline.
- Advanced fair entry worksheet, EXAMPLE
- Large exhibit pre-approval form (fill-in) - turn into extension office by June 23, 2025
- Fashion revue script form (fill-in) - turn into extension office by June 23, 2025
- Performing Arts - Performance based judging entry form (fill-in) - turn into extension office by June 23, 2025
- Dairy genetic & production form (fill-in) - turn into extension office by July 11, 2025
- Sheep lamb lead form (fill-in) - turn into extension office by July 11, 2025
County and state class/guideline additions or changes for 2025
Project information (includes Cloverbud)
- Project Idea Suggestions.
- Clothing/Quilting/Fashion Revue Letter, Clothing/Quilting/Fashion Revue Judging Day and Public Revue Information
- Clothing resource information - Script Writing Tips, Sewing and Care Guidelines, Evaluations
- Performing Arts, Creative Writing & General Demonstration Information, Evaluation (performing arts)
- Foods, Food Preservation and Food Revue Information, Food Revue Handbook, Create Display Example, Entry Worksheet
- Horticulture - Preparing 4-H exhibits in Fruit, Herb, Potato, and Vegetables and Potato Exhibit Support Guide
- Photography/Video - Talent release form in English. You need to have these signed by people who appear in your photo/video if it will be displayed at the fair or any other public place.
- Selecting and Preparing Poultry for Exhibition - L-771 Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service
Fair volunteers and stand sign-ups
County fair helpers - As we get closer to the county fair, we will be looking for helpers in a variety of areas, including but not limited to building setup, general judging day, food and malt stands and livestock shows. In most cases, it is not required to be a screened adult as you will be among other staff and screened adults. If you have an area of interest but are unsure how to sign up, connect with extension office staff. Please consider helping during the week of the county fair.
We are using SignUpGenius for the following needs:
- General Project Judging Day: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DABA628A6F58-2023
- Volunteers are needed for Monday, July 15. There are two shifts: 1-4 pm and 4:30-7 pm. Please consider to help with recording for general project judging day. Your help is greatly appreciated! Schedule will be posted in July.
- Food Stand: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DABA628A6F58-48519871-2024
- Each family/member is to select shifts that will work for them in the food and malt stands. In order to get credit, you must sign in when arriving for your shift. This is also a requirement to qualify for the next 4-H year's bonus funding.
- Screened adult volunteers who sign up to work the register must complete the required Clover (credit card machine) operation training before the fair.
- The Cloverbud shifts have been reduced to two-hour shifts.
- Youth with different abilities are allowed to split a shift with another member/family if the length of the shift is a concern.
- Each family/member is to select shifts that will work for them in the food and malt stands. In order to get credit, you must sign in when arriving for your shift. This is also a requirement to qualify for the next 4-H year's bonus funding.
- Malt Stand: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4DABA628A6F58-48519572-2024
Ag learning lab leaders needed
Staff are excited to bring the Ag Learning Lab back to our county fairs this summer. We learned from our experiences last year which has resulted in some changes and updates, as well as new exhibits that may replace some that we had last year so it continues to attract visitors from year to year. Another large part of making this a successful exhibit, we need the help of our youth! The exhibit area has daily hours that are open to fairgoers of all ages. The goal is to educate as many individuals of all age groups as possible about the world of agriculture and its importance to all of us. This is open to all youth who will be completing 6th grade or above and are interested in interacting with fairgoers. You are able to also volunteer at the Waseca, Freeborn, and Steele counties if interested. To view the position description and links to express interest, visit z.umn.edu/AgLearningLabLeaderPosition
Club information
- Club FairEntry exhibit registration (fill-in) - to be completed by the club leader and submitted to the Extension office by the county fair entry deadline.
- Club Planter Assignment (same every year)
- General Judging Volunteer Schedule - will be posted in July
- 4-H Judging and Event Schedule
PDC fair responsibility assignments - as of June PDC meeting
Fairgrounds information
4-H ribbon auction
- Auction letter for families
- Auctions informational flyer
- Script guide
Parade of Champions
- 2025 Parade of Champions
- 2025 Sponsors Addresses
Good luck at the fair! Please contact the Extension office at 507-332-6162 with questions or concerns.
4-H auction
The auction is the primary fundraising project for the Rice County 4-H program. The money collected gives all youth in our county program a chance to participate in 4-H activities at a reduced rate and provide opportunities at the county, region, state, and national levels such as:
- Camps
- Intrastate exchange
- Retreats
- Trainings
- Project Workshops
- Transportation
- Leadership conferences (county, state & national levels)
- Officer training
- Judging teams
- and so much more
Through 4-H youth development we are attempting to promote and provide these opportunities to all youth: youth leadership, responsibility, self-reliance, citizenship and community service.
Who can be in it?
Youth in 3rd grade and above earning a champion, reserve champion, or blue ribbon in the market beef, goat, poultry, rabbit, sheep and swine projects. Dairy, Kids for Kids, Paradise in Porkland, Dog, Horse, Dairy Goats and the following breeding species: beef, poultry, rabbit, sheep and swine also have limited spots which will be pre-determined.
When and where is it?
The auction takes place Saturday of the Rice County fair. There is a complimentary breakfast for buyers in the 4-H building at 8:30 am. The auction follows at 9:15 in the judging arena.
How can you help?
You can come as an individual, organization, business, etc. You can bid on your own or team up with other buyers.
All animals will be sold as a PREMIUM BID only. The youth receive a pre-determined premium and the remainder supports our annual county 4-H budget.
Give to 4-H
Gifts support 4-H youth development in Rice County, and local programming coordinated by the Rice County 4-H Council.
Ryan Lermon, Extension Educator, Ag Production Systems
[email protected] or 507-332-6165 (direct)
Agriculture events in Rice County
Attend an agriculture-related event near you.
- University of Minnesota Extension - Rice and Steele Counties Facebook page
- Sign up for the Ag update for Rice and Steele counties e-newsletter
Statewide agriculture events
Agriculture conferences, in-person events and online courses are offered all year around the state.
Agriculture news in Rice County
Find the latest on Extension agricultural research and news you can use on your farm from local experts.
Statewide news and blogs
- Agricultural Business Management News - Business and financial resources for farmers.
- Beef News - Beef industry featured events, farm safety and animal health.
- Dairy News - Dairy industry featured events, farm safety and animal health.
- Fruit and Vegetable News - Local production and marketing of fruit and vegetable crops in Minnesota.
- Minnesota Crop News - Emerging issues affecting Minnesota row crops and forages.
Lorrie Rugg, Master Gardener Coordinator, 507-332-6162, [email protected]
Ryan Lermon, Extension Educator, Ag Production Systems, 507-332-6165 (direct), [email protected]
Gifts support local programming coordinated by Rice County Master Gardener volunteers.
Visit the Rice County Master Gardeners Facebook page for
- Special events
- Classes
- Community news
- Tips & tricks
- And more!
2025 Rice County Master Gardeners Garden Day
Information brochure including Online registration link
Lawn & Garden Soil Analysis Request Sheet
Statewide gardening events
Find out about the Master Gardener Volunteer core course or attend other events offered throughout the year.
Gardening news in Rice County
Find the latest gardening tips and news you can use in your own back yard from local experts.
Yard and Garden News
Gardening tips and emerging issues affecting Minnesota.
- Visit the Yard and Garden pages to:
- Solve a problem - plant diseases, what's wrong with my plant, is this a weed, what insect is this
- Find plants - flowers, fruit, house plants, native plants, trees and shrubs, vegetables
- How to's - growing guide, flower pollinators, managing soil and nutrients, using your harvest, water wisely
- Lawns and landscapes - landscape design, lawn care, flowers for pollinators, find plants
- Become a Master Gardener volunteer
Gardening help
- Planting and growing guides
- Vegetables for Minnesota gardens
Selecting the right plants that will grow successfully in the north is half the battle. Expert advice from University of Minnesota horticulturalists will help you grow healthy vegetables that enjoy our climate and soil condition - Saving vegetable seeds
- Growing fruit means balancing expectations and effort
Because fruits are perennial plants, they require a bit more commitment than vegetables. Spend some time thinking about why you want to grow fruit.
Harvesting food
- Harvesting and storing home garden vegetables
- Planting vegetables in midsummer for fall harvest
- Farmbytes: thin apples for better harvests
Preserving and storing food
- Food preservation basics
- Food preservation FAQs
- Food preservation and canning troubleshooting guide
- Making jams, marmalades, preserves and conserves
- Preserving herbs by freezing or drying
- Preserving winter squash and pumpkins
- Storing canned food
- Store healthy foods properly
- Cottage food producer food safety training
- Home food preservation courses
- Local Foods College
Learn how to preserve, prepare and cook fresh food safely.
To learn more about the topics listed below click on Preserving and preparing food safely
Food preservation methods
- Food preservation basics
- Canning
- Freezing
- Drying
- Pickling
- Jams and jellies
Preserving and preparing different types of food -
Different kinds of food may require different ways of handling them.
- Fruits
- Vegetables and herbs
- Tomatoes and salsa
- Meat and fish
- Eggs and dairy
Food safety
- Video demonstrations
- At the office
- Safe cooking basics
- Safely cooking meat and fish
- Holidays and food safety
- Kitchen equipment for food safety
- Safe cooking during an emergency
- Food storage
Pressure Canner Dial Gauge Testing - testing is referred to Presto
- Presto will only test gauges from these brands: National, Magic Seal, Maid of Honor, Kook-Kwick, Presto.
- Steps to send in pressure gauges
- For more information, phone Presto Customer Service: 1-800-877-0441.
- Questions? Contact GoPresto.
- For specifics on other models of pressure canner gauges, please check with the manufacturer. All-American – Wisconsin Aluminum Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry. 920-682-8627
Health and nutrition
Extension offers a variety of educational programs about nutrition and health in Rice County. These programs are open to families and individuals of all ages who are eligible for benefits through the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or who meet Extension’s program income guidelines.
Programs are offered in community settings such as food shelves, schools, community centers and public housing sites. The programs are free to all individuals and families who meet income guidelines, and may be offered in multiple languages, depending on the audience needs and availability of educators.
Health and nutrition events in Rice County
Learn more about staying healthy and eating well.
Statewide health and nutrition events
Join Extension educators and community partners in events that encourage health, wellbeing and good nutrition.
Health and nutrition news in Rice County
Stay up to date with our health and nutrition news.
Family News
Find information that helps families make informed decisions leading to better health and wellbeing.
Use the Real Life, Good Food website to find recipes, cooking tips and physical activity ideas for a healthier life.
Sustainable communities
Extension engages Minnesotans to strengthen the social, civic, economic and technological capacity of their communities. We help create vibrant communities and enhance skills and knowledge in economics, leadership and civic engagement, and tourism.
Check our community research page for reports on county and community-focused topics relating to local economics, retaining businesses, growing retail markets, developing tourism, and more.
Local programs can be offered in collaboration with local community organizations and government agencies. Current programs include:
- Growing Local: Northfield Emerging Leaders Program
- Minnesota Agricultural and Rural Leadership (MARL)
Contact an educator in your area for consultation, guidance and conversation about your community.
Minnesota is a great place to explore, understand and conserve the natural landscape. Extension education, volunteer and community science programs encourage people to become stewards of Minnesota’s public and private lands.
Volunteer. Natural resources volunteers track invasive species, detect forest pests and count native bees, among many other activities. You also can study to become a Minnesota Master Naturalist.
Extension's Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships (RSDP) connect Greater Minnesota communities and University of Minnesota knowledge and resources to support local sustainability projects.
Working in partnership, RSDP supports community-driven projects in four focus areas: agriculture and food systems, clean energy, natural resources, and resilient communities. Projects are supported by boards made up of local community members and University faculty and staff.
Learn more about RSDP’s recent work in your county and neighboring communities, and how to submit a project idea.
Statewide community development events
Join us at an event in your community.
Statewide natural resources events
Find opportunities to learn about the natural environment, how to care for your forest lands, and how you and your family can get out and explore nature around the state and in your own backyard.
Community development news
Find information on community-focused news.
My Minnesota Woods
Find out how to take care of your trees and enjoy Minnesota's beautiful woodlands.
Natural Resources News
From preserving our wetlands to combating invasive species, read about protecting and enjoying nature.
RSDP Happenings
Learn more about community-driven sustainability projects happening across Minnesota.