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Extension Educator Samantha Roth uses a personalized approach to help young mothers in the Beyond New Beginnings program reach their financial goals.
September is Healthy Aging Month, celebrating the positive aspects of aging and exploring ways to enhance the wellbeing of older individuals.
Extension’s “Garden in a Box” program gives Latino families opportunities for growth and learning in the garden and in their personal lives.
El programa de extensión “Caminando en la Naturaleza” cultiva la salud y la conexión comunitaria para los miembros de la comunidad latina en el condado de Olmsted.
Extension “Walking in Nature” program cultivates health and community connection for Latino community members in Olmsted County.
A partnership effort called SuperShelf is featured in the University of Minnesota’s “Dear Minnesota” campaign.
May is mental health awareness month, a national initiative to raise awareness of the importance of mental health and wellbeing.