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University of Minnesota Extension

Transforming food shelves into friendly places with healthy food

A partnership effort called SuperShelf is featured in the University of Minnesota’s “Dear Minnesota” campaign.

A Minnesota-led revolution brings food shelf shoppers new respect, autonomy, and better nutrition.

“As I sat with an almost empty gas tank, I thought, ‘Really, God, are you going to make me choose between fuel for my truck or food for my family?’”

That chilling account comes from a Minnesotan who was outside a food shelf, struggling to find the courage to go inside. And for good reason.

If the stress of food insecurity weren’t enough, people visiting food shelves “may be experiencing a stigma associated with seeking assistance,” says Extension Educator Susie West, at University of Minnesota Extension.

Please read the full story, Dear Minnesota, We're transforming food shelves into friendly places with healthy food, on the University of Minnesota's website.

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