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University of Minnesota Extension

Cottage food producer food safety training

Do you make and sell baked goods, home-canned pickles, salsa, jam or jelly?

This advanced course focuses on food safety practices for all processes covered under the cottage food law including drying, baking, confections, jams and jellies, acid and acidified fruit and vegetables and fermentation. You will learn how to produce, package, label, store and transport a safe food product. And food safety experts will be available to answer your questions.

By attending a Zoom webinar or taking our online course, you will meet the tier 2 ($7,665 to $78,000 in sales) training requirement of the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to register as a cottage food producer.

Online, self-paced course

Cost: $50

Requires pre-registration. This course will take approximately 4 hours to complete.
Register for the online course


Cost: $50

A Zoom link to access the webinar will be emailed to you prior to the class date. This course will take approximately 4 hours to complete. Cancellations prior to the close of registration will be fully refunded.

Upcoming webinars

There are no upcoming events scheduled at this time. See other food and nutrition events from Extension.

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