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Fact-based soybean aphid insecticide recommendations

Since soybean aphid began threatening U.S. soybean, scientists have uncovered a tremendous amount of knowledge to effectively manage the pest.

Here, we share a fact-based review of the validity of University recommendations and what's known about soybean aphids. This includes how they affect yield, when to take action and cost-effective pest management strategies.

Commonness of U.S. infestations

Before soybean aphid was identified as a soybean pest in the United States in 2000, insecticide applications to northern soybean crops were rare, targeting sporadic insect and mite outbreaks.

Large infestations have been relatively uncommon since the early to mid-2000s, but the soybean aphid is unquestionably still the key insect pest of soybeans in many north-central states.

Importance of fact-based pest management


Soybean aphids and insecticides: What the science tells us


Bruce Potter, integrated pest management specialist, Southwest Research and Outreach Center; Robert Koch, Extension entomologist; Phil Glogoza, Extension educator; Erin Hodgson, Extension entomologist, Iowa State University; Christian Krupke, Extension entomologist, Purdue University; John Tooker, entomologist, Penn State University; Chris DiFonzo, field crop entomologist, Michigan State University; Andrew Michel, Extension entomologist, The Ohio State University; Kelley Tilmon, entomologist, The Ohio State University; Travis Prochaska, area Extension specialist, North Dakota State University; Janet Knodel, Extension entomologist, North Dakota State University; Robert Wright, Extension entomologist, University of Nebraska; Thomas E. Hunt, Extension entomologist, University of Nebraska; Bryan Jensen, integrated pest management specialist, University of Wisconsin; Kelley Estes, agricultural pest survey coordinator, University of Illinois; Joseph Spencer, insect behaviorist, University of Illinois

Reviewed in 2018

Page survey

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