Ring of Fire
Cora Rost was one of 7,400 Minnesota youth who studied photography through 4-H last year. She clipped a kitchen whisk filled with steel wool to a dog leash and gave it to her friend, Katie, before lighting it on fire. The science behind the art produced a perception of cascades as Katie spun the leash; the photo shows all the sparks created over 15 seconds.
Rost took precautions. She used a nonflammable surface and protective clothing, and she had a fire extinguisher and safety plan.
Now a University of Minnesota student in plant science and management, Rost recently graduated from 4-H in Anoka County.
“We are very proud of Cora for her commitment and her mentoring of other 4-H’ers,” says Anna Gilbertson, the Extension 4-H program coordinator in Anoka County. “Photography has become a big part of her life and she is our official photographer for many 4-H arts events. I recommended Cora for a role on the state photography project committee, where she is working on improving the resources and training for 4-H judges.”
“When I first took pictures to the Anoka County Fair, I got feedback from the 4-H judges about the ‘rule of thirds’ and other things photographers know," says Rost. "That sparked me to want to learn more. Each year, I brought back better and better pictures. 4-H inspired me to never stop learning and I enjoy helping others discover the intricacies of photography.”