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Gooseberry jam made from wild fruit

Food safety starts with cleaning!

Wash hands for 20 seconds

  • Wet hands under hot running water. Add lots of soap.
  • Rub and wash back of hands, wrists, between fingers and under fingernails for 20 seconds.
  • Rinse well under running water.
  • Dry with paper towels.
  • Use paper to turn off the water faucet.

Clean and sanitize sink and counter tops

  • Wash counter tops and prep sinks with hot soapy water.
  • Fill squirt bottle with 1 quart water. Add 1 teaspoon of unscented regular chlorine bleach or ¾ unscented ultra (6% sodium hypochlorite) chlorine bleach. Or use commercially prepared cleaner and follow directions on label.
  • Spray counter tops and sink with bleach solution. Let air dry.
  • Wash hands.

Clean as you go

  • Wash dishes, utensils, cutting boards, etc. in hot soapy water.
  • Let air dry.
gooseberry jam and fruit

Gooseberry jam recipe

Jams are made from crushed or ground whole fruit and usually have a thick consistency due to the high pectin content. Fruit gives the product its special flavor and often provides pectin for thickening. Pectin is needed to provide thickening or gel formation.


  • 6 cup gooseberries (¾ ripe (red), ¼ under ripe (green)
  • 1 ½ cups water
  • 4 cups sugar


  1. Wash berries, place in saucepan with water, and bring to boiling.
  2. Reduce heat and simmer until gooseberries are soft, approximately 15 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and measure pulp (about 4 cups) add sugar and boil 7-9 minutes.
  4. Pour jelly into hot, sterilized half-pint or pint jars to 1/4 inch of top. Seal with two-piece canning lids.
  5. Process in a boiling water bath. The time in the boiling water bath varies by elevation. For Minnesota, it is 5 minutes for half or quarter pints and 10 minutes for pint jars.

Isabel D. Wolf and William Schafer

Reviewed in 2021

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