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Rural-Urban interdependence

Rural farm area in Minnesota.
Urban area in Minnesota.

Are rural and urban communities more divided or connected? Researchers who crunch numbers and look at economic forces see critical connections between urban and rural fates. They are shared and interdependent. 

Rural and urban communities depend on each other to grow their economies and establish commerce. They exchange information, goods, materials, and services. Both must educate future workers and build a thriving workforce.  And together, they can provide recreation and culture that attract the world while making life more enjoyable for people who live in Minnesota.

Urban areas rely on rural areas for food production and water supply, raw materials, labor, and recreation and nature. Rural areas, on the other hand, increasingly rely on urbanized areas for jobs, technology, health care, amenities, and entertainment. Urban America’s prosperity is intertwined with rural America.

“Eleanor Roosevelt remarked about rural and urban America, that ‘what happens in your part of the country, happens in mine.’ The same is true today. Only focusing on ‘rural’ and ‘urban’ as separate and divided entities tells an incomplete story and limits our ability to create solutions that move us forward.”

— Ellen Wolter, Extension educator

Living side by side

What does it mean for rural and urban communities to live side by side? In the Side by Side podcast, Extension explores the interdependent relationship between rural and urban spaces. The podcast is hosted by Extension Educator Ellen Wolter, whose research interests focus on rural-urban interdependence.

Why does this necessary and complex relationship matter? Listen to the trailer below. 

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