Help for small towns
How do you help your downtown businesses succeed? Local business leaders, economic development professionals, community leaders — anyone who wants to help downtown businesses thrive — will find helpful information in the Downtown Market Analysis (DMA) Toolbox.
Extension in three states worked together to create the toolbox. We had cities with populations of less than 100,000 in mind. The toolbox provides — at no cost — resources and market research available to big retailers.
Toolbox content
- Introduction
- Understanding the Market
- Analysis of Opportunities by Sector
- Putting Your Research to Work
Extension at the University of Wisconsin created the Downtown Market Analysis Toolbox about 20 years ago to help small cities revitalize their downtown areas. Recently, Extension at Ohio State and the University of Minnesota joined the team. They added new content and updated the toolbox with information delivered in new ways — including narrated presentations, podcasts, and videos
Consult with us
Community economics • Leadership and civic engagement • Tourism
Extension educators work in communities with partners throughout Minnesota. Contact us for consultation, guidance and conversation about your community.