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Direct marketing farm products

Direct marketing channels for farm operators include farmers markets, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and farm stands. But opportunities are not limited to these outlets. Farm operators also sell directly to restaurants, grocery stores and institutions like hospitals and schools.

Farmers may sell goods directly to customers to receive a better price than typically received in commodity markets. For many, direct marketing can be a profitable part of their business plan.

Like any enterprise, direct marketing takes management and attention to detail as producers take on some roles of retailing.

There are many different ways to start a farm business. You may be thinking about direct marketing some steers as quarters instead of sending all of them to auction. Or you may be a beginning farmer interested in growing produce on a city lot for sale at an urban farmers market.

No matter your situation, the process for investigating opportunities and selling directly to customers is the same. When you direct market, you are taking on the role of a retailer, and the standard marketing issues of market research, customer identification, pricing and competitive analysis all need attention. 

Selling directly to customers

If you are interested in exploring direct marketing or assessing your current direct marketing efforts, take the time to strategically think about where you fit within the market.

Marketing includes advertising and promotional efforts as well as identifying a product to sell and getting that product from your operation to the end customer.


Reviewed in 2023

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