Join Extension entomologists from four universities to get the latest updates on soybean gall midge, a soybean pest discovered in 2018.
Webinars feature several short presentations on new biological insights, cultural control tools, predators and parasites, and host plant resistance. We offer plenty of time for questions and discussion.
Webinars target crop producers, consultants and scouts, and other ag professionals.
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Webinar recordings
2024 Midwest Soybean Gall Midge Research Update
This two-hour webinar features short presentations on recent developments in soybean gall midge biology, ecology, and management strategies. Topics include the pest’s overwintering capabilities, potential management through biocontrol and cultural practices, and the status of host plant resistance.
Webinar speakers and contributors
- Erin Hodgson, professor and Extension entomologist, Iowa State University
- Justin McMechan, assistant professor, Crop protection and cropping systems specialist, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Adrian Pekarcik, research entomologist, integrated cropping systems research, USDA-ARS, Brookings, South Dakota
- George Graef, professor and Presidential Chair In Soybean Breeding, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Bob Koch, Extension soybean entomologist, University of Minnesota
- Elliot Knoell, research project coordinator, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Pheylan Anderson, graduate student, University of Minnesota
- Sarah Lisak, graduate student, University of Minnesota
- Pragya Gupta, graduate student, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Natasha Umezu, graduate student, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Bruce Potter, Extension IPM specialist, University of Minnesota
Webinar agenda (video timestamps)
Timestamp | Speaker | Topic |
0:00 | Introduction | |
1:10 | Erin Hodgson | Introductory remarks |
4:10 | Justin McMechan | Biology and ecology update |
14:50 | Phelan Anderson | Cold tolerance of SGM |
25:13 | Sarah Lisak | Biocontrol: Predators and parasites of SGM |
46:18 | All | General questions |
55:20 | Adrian Pekarcik | Biocontrol: Nematodes |
1:06:30 | Pragya Gupta | Cultural control: Unhilling |
1:17:00 | Natasha Umezu | Cultural control: Planting date |
1:27:45 | Elliot Knoell | Cultural control: Mowing and tillage |
1:37:40 | Justin McMechan | Host-plant resistance (George Graef) |
1:46:11 | All | General questions |
Soybean Gall Midge Update 2023
Join Extension entomologists from four universities to get the latest updates on soybean gall midge, a new soybean pest. This virtual program features several short presentations. Sessions are targeted to farmers, crop scouts, and agribusiness.
Insights on soybean gall midge distribution, scouting, ecology and chemical control
Watch this multi-state update on the distribution of soybean gall midge, important scouting tips, and information on the ecology of this insect pest. Learn about data collected in 2021 on its distribution in a field and the challenges with chemical control strategies.
What's in the toolbox? Updates on cultural, biological, and host plant resistance tactics
Successful, long-term pest management strategies must rely on a wide range of diverse tactics. Get first-hand knowledge on the ongoing and upcoming potential strategies for soybean gall midge.
Identification and distribution
Learn how to identify soybean gall midge and see its distribution in our Midwest region with presenters Tom Hunt, Erin Hodgson, Bruce Potter, Bob Koch and moderator, Justin McMechan.
Ecology and plant injury
Learn more about this insect's life cycle, the plant damage it causes and other soybean gall midge hosts.
Management: What we know and the challenges we face
Learn about the potential to manage soybean gall midge through genetic, cultural and chemical management practices.
- Justin McMechan, Assistant Professor, Crop Protection and Cropping Systems Specialist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected]. Justin will provide an overview of the soybean gall midge adult emergence network, additional hosts, and management practices. Follow just via Twitter @justinmcmechan for in-season updates on this new pest.
- Erin Hodgson, Professor and Extension Entomologist, Iowa State University, [email protected]. Erin will review the current distribution of soybean gall midge in the U.S. and provide scouting tips. Reach out with Twitter @erinwhodgson to keep up-to-date with crop protection.
- Robert Wright, Professor and Extension Entomology Specialist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. [email protected], Follow on twitter @BobWrightUNL
- Robert (Bob) Koch, an Associate Professor and Extension Entomologist at the University of Minnesota. Bob will provide an overview of other insects in soybean that could be confused for soybean gall midge.
- Bruce Potter, Extension IPM Specialist, University of Minnesota Southwest Research and Outreach Center, [email protected] . Follow on Twitter @SWMNpest.
- Tom Hunt, Professor and Extension Entomology Specialist, Entomology Department, University of Nebraska Haskell Agricultural Laboratory, [email protected] , 402-584-3863.
More on soybean gall midge
Soybean gall midge in Minnesota soybean
- Identification
- Life cycle
- Plant injury and impacts
- Scouting and management
Soybean gall midge alert network
- Emergence, scouting and management