Apply for scholarships, grants and awards available to college-bound 4-H members and alumni.
Submitted by April 1.
$5,000 (for one recipient or shared by two)
- For adults who are training or retraining at an institution of higher learning in order to re-enter the workforce or to change jobs
- Applicant has been a 4-H member for at least five years and/or a 4-H adult volunteer for at least two years
- Applicant is/will be at least 30 years old by Jan. 1
- Applicant has not received this scholarship before
- Applicant is not an employee of the University of Minnesota Extension
- Plans demonstrate long-term goals and accomplishments
- Practical and do-able plan of action.
- Action plan rationale.
- Unique opportunities and circumstances.
Scholarship recipients must give a written statement of their accomplishments related to the scholarship award. This will be shared with the donor and should include the following:
- Plans that demonstrate long-term goals and accomplishments.
- Practical and doable plan of action.
- Action plan rationale.
- Unique opportunities and circumstances.
Visit the giving page for the 4-H Adult Workforce Re-entry Scholarship to make a gift to support this scholarship fund.
2022 scholarship recipient spotlight: Julie Hellenburg, Brown County
How to apply
- Complete the 4-H Adult Workforce Re-entry Scholarship online application.
- Upload two letters of recommendation: one from a previous/current employer or a volunteer leader and one from a UMN Extension educator. Both letters must be from non-relatives.
Award recipients will be notified in June. The scholarship award check will be made payable to the institution that the recipient is attending, not the recipient, in January of the following year.
Extension Development Staff
[email protected] or 612-624-7971
Applications will be available by June 1. Apply by 11:59 p.m. on Aug. 1.
$1,000 - 2,000
For Minnesota 4-H livestock project participants who will be university undergraduates in the coming academic year.
To apply
Visit Minnesota 4-H Purple Ribbon Livestock Auction Scholarship for full details.
Sharon Davis, [email protected]
Submitted by April 1
For Minnesota 4-H members who will be entering their freshman year at a Minnesota college or university. This is a one-time $1,000 scholarship awarded to seven applicants for their education expenses, such as tuition, books, room and board, etc.
The review committee will evaluate applicants on their scholastic achievements, 4-H involvement and leadership roles & positions.
Visit the giving page for the Ada and Helmuth Schroeder Scholarship to make a gift to support this scholarship fund.
How to apply
- Complete the Ada and Helmuth Schroeder Scholarship online application.
- Upload an official high school transcript.
- Upload two letters of recommendation: one from a teacher or academic advisor and one from an Extension educator, 4-H program coordinator or volunteer leader. Both letters must be from non-relatives.
Award recipients will be notified in June. The scholarship award check will be made payable to the institution that the recipient is attending, not the recipient, in January of the following year.
Extension Development Staff
[email protected] or 612-624-7971
Submitted by March 1.
For 4-H members who are high school seniors or first-year college students. Must currently be enrolled in one of the counties listed: Chippewa, Cottonwood, Jackson, Martin, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, Rock or Watonwan.
The family of Andrea Ruesch established a 4-H scholarship in memory of her dedication and contributions to the Minnesota 4-H program. Based on the family's belief in positive youth development, the focus of this scholarship is on demonstrated learning through hands-on experience and using what you have learned to help others (youth leadership).
This is a one-time $1,000 scholarship and at least eight scholarships will be awarded annually.
Visit the giving page for the Andrea Ruesch Regional 4-H scholarship to make a gift to support this scholarship fund.
How to apply
- Complete the Andrea Ruesch 4-H Regional Scholarship application.
- Please upload two letters of recommendation from individuals who are not your family members or the local Extension educator. These individuals should be able to attest to your involvement and leadership in 4-H. The writer of the letter may be a past or present 4-H leader, fair board member, teacher, pastor, youth worker, or any other adult who has known you for a significant amount of time. In the letter, the writer should mention how long they have known you, reflect on your educational experiences, and describe the leadership qualities they have observed in you.
Award recipients will be notified in April. The scholarship award check will be made payable to the institution that the recipient is attending, not the recipient, in January of the following year.
Extension Development Staff
[email protected] or 612-624-7971
Submitted by April 1
For 4-H members or alumni who will be college freshmen. This one-time scholarship is for education expenses at a post-secondary institution in the United States. Applicants must intend to pursue a degree in agriculture, with a preference for students pursuing a degree in agronomy, soil science, horticulture, plant science, ag economics, agribusiness or closely related field.
Corn Capital Innovations (CCI) was formed in Olivia, Minnesota by Steve and Summer O’Neill in 2008. The family-owned business is an industry leader that helps crop producers develop innovative farm plans that integrate the four components of profitability: crop insurance, grain marketing, financial analysis, and yield building strategies. The O’Neills and many CCI employees are proud 4-H alumni.
The review committee will evaluate applicants based on scholastic achievements, career interest area, community and 4-H involvement, and leadership roles and positions.
Visit the giving page for the CCI Innovation in Agriculture Scholarship to make a gift to support this scholarship fund.
How to apply
- Complete the CCI Scholarship online application.
- Upload an official high school transcript.
- Upload two letters of recommendation: one from a teacher or academic advisor and one from an Extension educator or volunteer leader. Both letters must be from non-relatives.
Award recipients will be notified in June. The scholarship award check will be made payable to the institution that the recipient is attending, not the recipient, in January of the following year.
Extension Development Staff
[email protected] or 612-624-7971
Submitted by April 1.
For entering accepted freshman or continuing sophomore. The award must be applied toward educational expenses at an accredited college or university in the United States.
Four scholarships will be awarded in 2025.
This scholarship is designed to award youth based on their leadership experiences in 4-H, school and community as well as overall 4-H achievements, career goals and future leadership potential. The review committee will evaluate applications based on their scholastic achievement, financial need, 4-H involvement/leadership and community leadership experiences.
Visit the giving page for the David E. Pace and Valerie Halverson Pace Leadership Scholarship to make a gift to support this scholarship fund.
How to apply
- Complete the Pace Leadership Scholarship online application.
- Upload an official high school transcript (if current high school senior) OR official college transcript (if applying as a college freshman).
- Upload two letters of recommendation: one from a teacher or academic advisor and one from an Extension educator or volunteer leader. Both letters must be from non-relatives.
Award recipients will be notified in June. The scholarship award check will be made payable to the institution that the recipient is attending, not the recipient, in January of the following year.
Extension Development Staff
[email protected] or 612-624-7971
Submitted by April 1
For Minnesota 4-H members or alumni who will be entering their freshman year at a school in the University of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System (Minnesota State) or University of Minnesota campus. There are three scholarships in the amount of $1,500 and are awarded annually.
Applicants must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better to qualify. Selected recipients may re-apply annually, up to three times. A grade point average of 3.0 or above must be maintained in order for re-application to be approved. Maximum award for each student is $6,000. Award notices are sent in June.
The review committee will evaluate applications based on financial need, reasons to attend college, career plans and goals, 4-H leadership and citizenship, major 4-H offices held, major 4-H projects, 4-H achievement, 4-H awards and recognition, letters of reference and additional community and school leadership and citizenship activities. The scholarship award check will be made payable to the institution that the recipient is attending, not to the recipient.
Visit the giving page for the Kern Scholarship to make a gift to support this scholarship fund.
How to apply
- Complete the Kern Scholarship online application.
- Upload an official high school transcript.
- Upload two letters of recommendation: one from an academic advisor and one from an Extension educator or volunteer leader. Both letters must be from non-relatives.
How to renew
- Complete the Kern Scholarship renewal form.
- Send an unofficial college transcript.
Award recipients will be notified in June. The scholarship award check will be made payable to the institution that the recipient is attending, not the recipient, in January of the following year.
Extension Development Staff
[email protected] or 612-624-7971
Feb. 24
For a college junior or senior or first-year graduate student at the University of Minnesota, University of Wisconsin, North Dakota State University at Fargo, South Dakota State University at Brookings, Iowa State University at Ames, or Michigan State University at East Lansing. The applicant must be a resident of Minnesota or Wisconsin and majoring in agriculture, specifically animal science, agricultural marketing, agricultural business or agricultural education.
A student may be awarded the Lamphere scholarship only once and may not receive the McKerrow scholarship in the same year.
This $750 scholarship is in memory of Lyle Lamphere, long-time supporter of agricultural activities in Minnesota and, for many years, secretary of the Minnesota Livestock Breeders' Association. Mr. Lamphere was a vocational agriculture teacher, Pepin Wisconsin County Extension Agent and a 38-year employee of Central Livestock Association in South St. Paul. He assumed major roles in livestock improvement programs, cattle feeders' clinics, meat-type hog shows, Future Farmers of America marketing schools and the Minnesota 4-H Market Livestock Show and Minnesota State Fair purple ribbon auction.
Feb. 24
For a university-enrolled Minnesota resident majoring or minoring in animal science. Must be entering their sophomore, junior or senior year at the University of Minnesota St. Paul or Crookston campus. No student may be awarded the McKerrow Scholarship more than once. Scholarship must be claimed within one year of awarding.
Submit by April 1.
For an entering freshman who has participated in the 4-H Youth Development Program of the University of Minnesota Extension and plans to attend a post-secondary, accredited institution to further their education. This can also include an accredited trade school or a two-year college.
The review committee will evaluate applicants on their leadership endeavors, scholastic achievements, a minimum of four years involvement in the 4-H program and community service.
The scholarship was established by family, friends and colleagues to honor Mike Liepold, a dedicated 4-H member, parent and volunteer. Mike upheld a proud family tradition of five generations of 4-H members, spanning from his great-grandfather to his granddaughter. He retired from the U of M Extension with 34 years in leadership education. He believed in the importance of helping 4-H youth build leadership skills to set them up for a lifetime of learning and success.
To support this scholarship fund, please visit the giving page for the Mike Liepold Scholarship Fund.
How to apply
- Complete the Mike Liepold Scholarship online application.
- Upload an official high school transcript.
- Upload two letters of recommendation: one from a teacher or academic advisor and one from an Extension educator or volunteer leader. Both letters must be from non-relatives.
The scholarship must be used for educational expenses.
Award recipients will be notified in June. The scholarship award check will be made payable to the institution that the recipient is attending, not the recipient, in January of the following year.
Extension Development Staff
[email protected] or 612-624-7971
Feb. 24
For an outstanding Minnesota 4-H or FFA member or alum who is a high school senior and will be a freshman at an agricultural college at University of Minnesota - St. Paul or Crookston. University of Wisconsin, River Falls; South Dakota State University; North Dakota State University; or Iowa State University are also acceptable universities. The student must be pursuing an animal agriculture major. Scholarship must be claimed within one year of awarding.
Apply by July 15 at 4:30 p.m.
$1,000 (22 recipients), $2,000 (2 recipients)
For young adults from greater Minnesota or those currently enrolled in an agriculture program. Recipients will be notified by telephone of their award by Aug. 9, 2024.
Submitted by April 1.
For Minnesota 4-H'ers and alumni in Olmsted County who will be freshmen at a post-secondary college in the state of Minnesota to be used toward education expenses. The review committee will evaluate applicants based on scholastic achievements, 4-H involvement and leadership roles & positions.
Visit the giving page for the Searles Family Scholarship to make a gift to support this scholarship fund.
How to apply
- Complete the Searles Family Scholarship online application.
- Upload an official high school transcript.
- Upload two letters of recommendation: one from a teacher or academic advisor and one from an Extension educator or volunteer leader. Both letters must be from non-relatives.
Award recipients will be notified in June. The scholarship award check will be made payable to the institution that the recipient is attending, not the recipient, in January of the following year.
Extension Development Staff
[email protected] or 612-624-7971
Entry deadline is May 15.
If you own an off-the-track thoroughbred, you can earn a scholarship for school. All 4-H'ers in 6th grade and up are eligible.
Feb. 14
Do you have an idea you’re passionate about but need help getting started? The Helping Hands Award is for Minnesota 4-H youth who want to turn their ideas into action! This award funds project ideas that are led by 4-H youth in partnership with supportive adults, local businesses and non-profit organizations. Average awards are between $300 and $2,000.
There were 55 projects selected in 2024 from 36 counties.
The project focus can be on STEM, agriscience, healthy living, outdoor adventures, equity, leadership, global connection, social inclusion, the arts, creative writing and photography. But don't hold back if you have an idea that falls outside these categories.
The 4-H Helping Hands Award is funded by generous support and donors to the 4-H General Fund, Tessman/Christiansen Endowment, Wildung Endowment, and Kern 4-H Teen Leadership and Ambassador Endowments.
Visit the giving page for the 4-H Helping Hands Fund to make a gift to support this award fund.
2023 Helping Hands Award project spotlights
- Carver County 4-H, We Dig Bugs Entomology Club
- Hennepin and Ramsey County 4-H, 4-H Coop: Backyard Chicken Keeping Project
- The project makes use of all the dollars awarded.
- Youth lead the project and are supported by adults.
- After the project, the 4-H group submits a photo(s) and a short story about the impact they made.
- The online application is available through Feb. 14.
- Projects need to be completed by Nov. 30.
What will make your project idea stand out for the selection committee
- The project may bring new and diverse youth participants to 4-H.
- Clearly partnered with one or more local organizations or businesses for funding, supplies, etc.
- The project has a long-term impact rather than a one-time project or activity.
- The project is unique, creative and innovative, rather than a repeat of something you have done before.
- Mid-December through mid-February: Applications accepted.
- April: Awards announced.
- May: Funds available.
- Complete the Helping Hands Award online application by Feb. 14, 2025.
- Please review the application questions before applying.
Past projects and resources
- 2024 award recipient and projects
- 2023 award recipients and projects
- Helping Hands Award short story suggestion list
Extension Development Staff
405 Coffey Hall
1420 Eckles Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55108
[email protected] or 612-624-7971
Do you have a special community project that you worked on in your 4-H club or in a smaller project group in your county? If yes, please consider applying for this award!
The Extension Committee of the Association of Minnesota Counties (AMC) will select two projects for this honor.
Every year, the AMC selects two 4-H club projects to receive awards of $500, in recognition for their contributions and service to their communities.
These youth-driven projects must respond to real community needs and also make a great impact. The awards will be presented at the annual AMC Legislative Conference at the Intercontinental Hotel in St. Paul in February.
- The service or leadership project must be organized by a recognized 4-H club or other recognized 4-H youth development program.
- The project must engage multiple members of the 4-H club or group and not just a few individuals or families.
- The project must respond to real community need(s).
- The project must have made an impact during the last calendar year.
- Youth must be involved in significant leadership roles, including project selection.
Application materials required
- AMC 4-H Community Leadership Award application cover page form (form included in packet)
- Summary of your project (form included in packet)
- Letter of support from a county commissioner or other community leader verifying project completion and effectiveness.
- Copies of any additional support materials such as a more detailed description of the project, photographs, newspaper clippings, etc. Be selective. (Optional)
See additional information and related forms.
Jan. 24, 2024
Contact Ryan Erdmann at [email protected] or 651-789-4345.
Apply by April 3
$250-500 (15 recipients)
This Beginning Exhibitor Livestock Learning Experience (BELLE) grant program gifts $500 to each large-animal exhibitor (beef cattle, dairy cattle, goats, horse, llama, sheep or swine) and $250 to each small-animal exhibitor (poultry or rabbits) that commits to participating in the Minnesota State Fair for the first time in 2023.
See requirements and guidelines.
For 4-H Horse Project volunteers
Each county may select one adult volunteer supporting their horse project per year. Each county determines its own selection process and submits the name to Renee Kostick at the University of Minnesota Extension Regional Office in Brainerd by July 1. County award winners are listed in the Minnesota 4-H State Horse Show program and receive a certificate from the state 4-H horse PDC. Winners who are present at the 4-H State Horse Show awards presentation will be asked to stand for recognition. This award replaces the Green Blood Award, which retired in 2008.
- Selection is determined by each county.
- The individual must be an adult volunteer for the 4-H horse project in the county.
- Award winner names and their county need to be sent by the county or regional Extension office to Renee Kostick by July 1 to be included in that year's state horse show program listing.
2024 County All Star Volunteer award recipients
- Carver County - Hanna Hartman
- Fillmore County - Theresa Doerr
- Lac qui Parle County - Colin & Karen Tilbury
- Meeker County - Laura Niece
- Olmsted County - Amanda Briggs
- Roseau County - Robby Christianson
- North St. Louis County - Lataya Holmstrom
- Sherburne County - Laurie Krisko
- Sherburne County - Jennifer Schurrer
- Yellow Medicine - Miranda Antony
For 4-H Horse Project participants
Due date
April 8
Yearly award to one 4-H'er for overall achievement, leadership and service.
- Enrolled in the Minnesota 4-H Horse or Horseless Project for at least two years.
- At least one year of horse-related leadership.
- Participation in at least one of the following: Horse Bowl, speech/demonstration contest, judging or hippology team, county/cluster leadership workshop, camp or retreat, Winter Roundup, YELLO or similar county, region, state or national leadership activity.
Get more information about the Dan Patch and Youth Leadership Award.
Oct. 31
Food shelves across Minnesota continue to experience record demand for food assistance. If your 4-H group has an idea to help community members access healthy food and essential supplies, let’s make it a reality!
This award program funds 4-H clubs and county/tribal 4-H programs to partner with a local food shelf, food assistance program or food organization to address food insecurity in their communities.
Each 4-H group is provided with $500 to come up with an idea and turn it into a service project. What that idea looks like and how it’s put into action is entirely up to 4-H youth, supporting adults and their partnerships. The project must be youth-led to be eligible.
The Food Partner Challenge is funded by a gift from Compeer Financial to the Helping Hands Fund and by generous support and donors to the 4-H General Fund.
Visit the giving page for the 4-H Helping Hands Fund to make a gift to support this award fund.
2023 Food Partner Challenge project spotlight:
- The project makes use of the $500 award in its entirety.
- Youth lead the project and are supported by adults.
- The online application is completed and submitted by Oct. 31.
- Projects need to be completed by March 31.
- After the project, the 4-H group submits a photo(s) and a one to two paragraph story about what was learned and the impact they made. Photo(s) and story must be submitted by April 30.
Please use the online application to submit your project idea by Oct. 31.
- Food Partner Challenge online application available Oct. 1-31.
- Copy of application questions
- Applications are reviewed as they are received.
- Award announcement will be made within two weeks of application submission.
- Funds available within two weeks of award announcement.
Past projects
Extension Development Staff
405 Coffey Hall
1420 Eckles Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108
[email protected] or 612-624-7971
For 4-H Horse Project supporters
Members of the state horse project development committee (PDC) nominate up to five supporters each year. The PDC welcomes recommendations. Winners are selected by the awards and recognition committee of the state 4-H horse PDC and plaques are awarded during the Minnesota 4-H State Horse Show.
- Nominees must contribute time, goods or money to Minnesota State 4-H Horse Project events.
- Nominees may not be 4-H volunteers working with the horse project.
- Names are submitted by the awards and recognition committee of the state 4-H horse PDC, which selects the nominees to recognize.
For local 4-H horse programs
March 1 (also accept up to 30 days prior to activity if funds are available).
This grant program provides counties with funds and incentives to plan and conduct Minnesota 4-H horse program educational activities. Local 4-H horse programs can apply to help cover activity expenses.
Varies by county, Check with your local 4-H staff.
4-H is proud of its youth leaders! The Key Award recognizes your contributions to your club and the community and encourages you to grow as an outstanding citizen. Recipients of the award can typically receive either a necklace or tie tack. The key and a certificate are typically presented at a countywide event.
Eligibility guidelines
- Must have completed your sophomore year in high school
- Be a 4-H member for at least five years
- Have at least three years of active 4-H youth leadership
- Must meet seven of nine leadership requirements (see application for details)
Questions: [email protected] or 1-612-624-2116
Nominations are due by Jan. 21, 2025.
The 4-H Salute to Excellence Award is a national volunteer recognition effort honoring 4-H volunteers who demonstrate exemplary service to 4-H while promoting volunteerism as both an opportunity and a privilege. All Northern Lights nominees will be considered for the Salute to Excellence award in one of two categories:
- The Volunteer of the Year Award is for people who have served as 4-H volunteers for less than 10 years at the local, county, district or state level.
- The Outstanding Lifetime Volunteer Award is for people who have served 10 or more years at the local, county, district, or state level.
Only volunteers who are selected as Minnesota 4-H Salute to Excellence honorees will be asked to complete a more detailed nomination packet, including:
- Three letters of recommendation.
- Narrative, 12-point font, with 1-inch margins, not to exceed 3 pages, that covers:
- Brief overview of why the nominee deserves this award (500 words or less).
- Evidence of a positive impact on the lives of 4-H youth. Include information on their ability to work with young people in a way that promotes youth empowerment, decision-making, problem-solving and mastery, and dedication to youth/adult partnerships and mentor/learner relationships.
- Evidence of how the volunteer works to strengthen the 4-H youth development program. For example: engaging new and diverse audiences; providing a safe and inclusive environment for youth; innovative approaches to recruiting other 4-H volunteers or partnering with other agencies; working with 4-H program coordinators as partners to develop programming, or developing funding for the program.
- Personal attributes. Include evidence of professional attitude, character and morals, and personal growth from being a 4-H volunteer (that you have observed).
- Personal involvement in 4-H.
- Local 4-H roles (4-H Project Leader, Community 4-H Club Leader, etc.). Include a summary of years, roles and organizations.
- County or Region 4-H roles. Include a summary of years, roles and organizations.
- State/Regional/National 4-H roles. Include a summary of years, roles and organizations.
- Relevant 4-H honors/awards and years received.
- Relevant non-4-H volunteer roles. Include a summary of years, roles and organizations.
How to nominate
- Nominations for 2024 are closed.
Jeremy Freeman, Extension educator and volunteer systems director
[email protected] or 612-624-6807
Nominations are due by Jan. 21, 2025.
Northern Lights is a Minnesota 4-H Youth Development volunteer recognition opportunity designed to celebrate volunteer impact in key priority areas for our University of Minnesota Extension Department of Youth Development. Unlike other volunteer recognition efforts like Salute to Excellence, this nomination process does not distinguish volunteer tenure and can be completed in about 15 minutes.
Note: Minnesota 4-H will continue to participate in the National 4-H Salute to Excellence volunteer award program. Read the Salute to Excellence requirements to learn more about what’s changed and what’s stayed the same.
In 2025, we encourage nominations of volunteers who:
- Welcome our youngest 4-H members and families through designing and delivering Cloverbud and/or public programming.
- Create learning environments for older youth (aged 12-18) that improve their self-concept, personal agency, resilience and community connectivity.
- Champion diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility, creating spaces of belonging and empowerment for Minnesota youth of all identities.
Please consider nominating volunteers who bring light to their local program and community regardless of their tenure with the 4-H program. Stories of first-year volunteers and/or volunteers who did not participate in 4-H as youth members are warmly welcomed.
We are excited to welcome nominations of exceptional Minnesota 4-H Youth Development program volunteers from the Extension Department of Youth Development staff, fellow volunteers and youth/families who benefit from their drive to create growth and discovery opportunities for young people.
Northern Lights nominees will be selected for features in a National Volunteer Week campaign (and beyond)!
How to nominate
- Please fill out the form completely, and include one or more photos of your nominee or nominees at the bottom of the form.
- It should take no more than 15 minutes to complete.
- The form will be open on a rolling basis through at least Jan. 21, 2025.
Jeremy Freeman, Extension educator and volunteer systems director
[email protected] or 612-624-6807
Donor: Sandhill Performance Horses, Melodie Nelson and Gene Vandeberg - Epping, ND
Contest process
- Enrolled 4-H’ers submit a one-to-two-page typed essay on what ownership of this horse would mean to them.
- Include in the essay how they would provide care, the environment in which the horse would be raised, detailed descriptions of the costs to care for the horse and any other pertinent or human interest information they wish to share. Don’t forget to talk about what winning this horse would mean to you!
- Application, essay and consent and release of liability form must be submitted by the deadline date.
- Incomplete entries will not be reviewed.
- Upon receipt, entries will be blind reviewed by a committee comprised of personnel from the contest coordinators who will select five finalists.
Donor: Leyh Quarter Horses, Jay and Kayla Hoffner - Eagle Bend
We must receive your application between Oct. 1 and July 1 of the current year (anything postmarked after July 1 will not be accepted).
Entry forms
Mail or email your application, essay and consent and release of liability form to:
Renee Kostick, Extension educator
322 Laurel Street, Suite 21
Brainerd, MN 56401
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 218-232-5174