Minnesota 4-H offers numerous opportunities for our youth to learn and lead to make a difference in 4-H and their communities. These opportunities are offered at the local, regional, state and national level.
Contact your local 4-H office to learn about local and regional leadership opportunities.
Leadership opportunities
4-H'ers can use their skills in leadership, civic engagement, communication and teamwork in these programs.

Ambassadors are role models for other 4-H'ers and serve as positive representatives of Minnesota 4-H or a specific project area, like agriculture and shooting sports and wildlife.

Statewide service project
Participate in our yearly statewide service project to learn about a community issue and take steps to make a positive, collective impact.

4-H leadership events
Learn more about leadership and civic engagement by attending regional, state and national events.

4-H Outdoor Wilderness Leadership and Service (OWLS) Program
This one-year adventure-based program is designed to provide youth in grades 6 and up with intensive hands-on exploration in the outdoors.

Teen Superheroes of Science
Teens in grades 6-12 are invited to lead the Green Superheroes of Science (GSOS) program, an educational offering for younger youth.
Scholarships and awards
There are scholarships and awards available to recognize your 4-H leadership.
Reviewed in 2023