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4-H clover 2024 University of Minnesota Extension 4-H Scholarship Awards

Congratulations to the 2024 Minnesota 4-H scholarship recipients! These 14 outstanding 4-H youth and alumni across Minnesota stood out among approximately 103 applications.

Kern Scholarship

Three $1,500 scholarships for entering freshmen attending one of the University of Minnesota campuses or an institution within the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System (formerly MnSCU) with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better to qualify. Selected recipients may reapply annually, up to three times.


  • Rylee B., Douglas County Rylee has been an active member of the Douglas County 4-H program for the past 11 years, holding numerous club officer positions, including president and vice president. She has also served in leadership roles in the county’s 4-H leadership council and is a Minnesota 4-H Agriculture Ambassador. Rylee’s major project areas have been meat goats and youth leadership, for which she has won awards in livestock showmanship, leadership and entrepreneurship. Rylee plans to major in natural resources conservation at the University of Minnesota Crookston. Her goal is to pursue a career with the Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) to help farms and other agricultural operations learn about and manage soil and water conservation.

  •  Kaleb H., Stevens County Kaleb started showing dairy as a 4-H Cloverbud and eventually established his own small show herd of Jerseys through breeding and raising. He continued participating in the dairy project for 13 years. He has won awards for animal science projects and leadership, including for excellence in dairy knowledge and communication skills. Kaleb has served as president and vice president of the Swan Lake 4-H Club and has been an active member of the Morris Area FFA program for the past six years. His passion for dairy and animal agriculture has led him to study animal science and pre-veterinary medicine at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus in St. Paul. He plans to obtain a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and return to rural Minnesota to provide large animal veterinary services.

  •  Tiegan P., Winona County Tiegan has been an active member in the Winona County 4-H program for 12 years, having served as the club treasurer for the Valley View 4-H Club and as the youth leader-at-large for Winona County 4-H Federation. She has won numerous awards for showing livestock and performing arts. Her leadership extends to her school experience, where she has been the captain of the volleyball, basketball and softball teams. Tiegan will be the first generation in her family to attend college. She plans to attend the University of Minnesota Rochester to major in science and health professionalism, specializing in radiography, to work in a clinic or hospital as a radiography technician.


Katherine V., Mower County

David E. Pace and Valerie Halverson Pace Leadership Scholarship

Three one-time $1,000 scholarships are awarded annually to either an entering accepted freshman or a continuing sophomore based on their leadership experiences in 4-H, school, and community. Awarded funds must be applied toward educational expenses at an accredited college or university within the United States of America.


  •  Jocelyn H., Nobles County – Jocelyn has been a valued and essential leader in the Nobles County 4-H program. She has served in a multitude of leadership roles in the Nobles County Federation Board, the Nobles County Extension Committee and the Grand Prairie Rockets 4-H Club, including president, vice president and treasurer. Jocelyn has had a passion for dance since she was four years old. Her passion for communications was sparked by her participation in 4-H judging at the county fair. She plans to major in communications and dance with a minor in arts entrepreneurship at Gustavus Adolphus College and aspires to manage a nonprofit arts organization.

  • Josee K., Aitkin County – Josee’s involvement in 4-H has included a multitude of leadership experiences, including president, vice president, secretary and treasurer of the Cedarbrook 4-H Club and president of Aitkin County Leaders Council. She is most proud of participating in the Minnesota 4-H Horse Dan Patch Youth Leadership competition for four years, winning the Dan Patch state award for leadership, learning and service in 2023. Josee plans to work in the medical field as a nurse anesthetist. She plans to enroll in the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) program at the University of North Dakota. 

  • Lauren R., Olmsted County – Lauren has been an Olmsted County 4-H member for 13 years and has held various club officer roles in the Viola Victors 4-H Club and the Olmsted 4-H Executive Council. She has actively participated in the Olmsted County 4-H dairy project and has been recognized repeatedly in the annual Minnesota 4-H Dairy Showcase. Lauren is working towards a business degree at the University of St. Thomas while continuing to explore her career options, with an interest in becoming an operations manager, financial analyst or accountant. 


  • Brooke C., Winona County

Ada and Helmuth Schroeder Scholarship

Six one-time $1,000 scholarships awarded to present or former Minnesota 4-H members who will be entering their freshman year at Minnesota college or university, based on scholastic achievements, community and 4-H involvement, leadership roles and positions.


  • Evadne P., Ramsey County Evadne has been an active leader in the Ramsey County 4-H program as a member of the Ramsey County Ambassadors team and the Ramsey County Leaders Council. She has also served as a Minnesota 4-H State Ambassador and held leadership roles in her 4-H club. Evadne has been a strong leader in social justice as a member of the Student Equity Leaders Program. She is also a gifted actress and visual artist. She plans to major in philosophy at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities while continuing to explore career interests. She is currently considering law or youth work.

  • Lindsey H., Murray County – Lindsey has been actively involved in the 4-H program at the local, county, state and national levels. During her time in 4-H, she has served in the Murray County Federation as both president and vice president, served in leadership roles as a club officer, was chosen as Murray County Ambassador of the Year, and represented both Murray County and Minnesota 4-H as a National 4-H Conference delegate. Lindsey has known since the ninth grade that she wanted to be a lawyer. She plans to attend the University of Minnesota Morris to major in communications and political science. Upon completing her undergraduate degree, she will pursue a law degree to become an attorney and, eventually, a judge.

  •  Abigail V., Mower County – Abigail has been a member of 4-H for 13 years. She has been a positive leader in the Mower County 4-H program, including serving as a county ambassador and participating on the advisory board and the County Extension Committee. She has exhibited science of animals projects and fashion revue, and has been awarded for sheep showmanship. Abigail plans to attend the University of Minnesota Crookston to major in exercise science, following the professional route, which leads to a doctorate in physical therapy. Her goal is to start her own physical therapy business.

  •  Martha P., Faribault County – Martha has participated in 4-H since she was in kindergarten. 4-H has fostered her love of science and her desire to give back to others and care for her community. She has been a Minnesota 4-H State Ambassador for two years and serves as their marketing, outreach and promotion chair. She has also been active in her school’s FFA program, competing and placing in floriculture and nursery landscapes. Martha plans to attend St. Mary’s University of Minnesota as a pre-medicine major and then apply for medical school upon completion of her undergraduate degree. Her goal is to become a pathologist researching diseases.

  •  Allison K., Lake County – Allison has been an impactful leader in the Lake County 4-H program. She has served as county ambassador for many years and worked hard to expand activities and opportunities for younger 4-H'ers. She has been recognized as Lake County 4-H'er of the Year and awarded the 4-H Key Award for exemplary youth leadership and community service. Allison has successfully competed in the horse project, including winning a champion trophy at the Minnesota 4-H State Horse Show. She found her passion in finance management through participating in 4-H money management. Allison will be majoring in finance management at the University of St. Thomas and plans to obtain an MBA in the future. She continues to explore her career path, with an interest in working in corporate finance or personal wealth management.

  •  Mary L., Lyon County – Mary has been a 13-year member of the Lake Marshall Eagles 4-H Club in Lyon County. She has served two years as a Minnesota 4-H Agriculture Ambassador and an intern for the University of Minnesota Regional Extension office. She has also been an active chapter FFA officer and chapter leader, as well as Region FFA President. Mary plans to major in agriculture communications and marketing at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities for a career in an agriculturally-based business focusing on livestock care.


  •  Ella T., Polk County

CCI Innovation in Agriculture Scholarship

A one-time $1,250 scholarship to be used toward education expenses at a post-secondary institution in the United States. Applicants must intend to pursue a degree in agriculture, with a preference for students pursuing a degree in agronomy, soil science, horticulture, plant science, Ag economics, agribusiness or a closely related field.


  • Shelby S., McLeod County – Shelby joined 4-H as a Cloverbud and has been an active 4-H participant for 11 years. She has held many leadership roles, including president, vice president and secretary for the Acoma Acorns 4-H Club, and she has led an active Hutchinson FFA chapter as president. She is passionate about showing dairy cattle and has won awards for dairy showmanship. Shelby is a proud fifth-generation dairy farmer and owner of Three Sisters Dairy, which she owns with her sisters. She plans to attend the University of Minnesota Twin Cities to major in agriculture and food business management. She looks forward to growing her dairy herd, promoting dairy products and raising her future family in the dairy community.


  • Lilly O., Swift County

Adult Scholarship

A one-time $3,000 scholarship for a 4-H alumni or volunteer who has been a 4-H member for a minimum of five years and/or a minimum of two-year volunteer and are/will be 30 years old or older by Jan. 1 of the calendar year for pursuing training or education with the purpose of job re-entry or transition.


  • Sarah H., Freeborn County – Sarah has been a member of 4-H for 13 years and served as a 4-H ambassador and member of the leaders council. The 4-H tradition continues in her family as her children are 4-H Cloverbuds, and she currently serves as an adult volunteer. Sarah has worked as a dental hygienist for numerous years and views continuing her education as opening doors to advanced roles in the field of dental hygiene. She will be completing the second year of a two-year Executive Doctor of Education in Leadership program at St. Mary’s University of Minnesota.

No alternate. 

Extension Development and Minnesota 4-H are committed to continuing development efforts for college-bound 4-H youth and alumni scholarships. If you know of a person or business who might sponsor a scholarship, please contact Jane Johnson, Chief Development Officer of Extension Development and Minnesota 4-H, at 612-626-3717 or [email protected].

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