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University of Minnesota Extension


Jared Goplen looking at plant in lab

In 2015, Minnesota lawmakers approved legislation that created the Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Tech Transfer program (AGREETT). With AGREETT funding, in 2017 Extension hired Jared Goplen, a University of Minnesota Extension crops educator based in Morris.

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Alma Rodriguez framed with 4-H Grown sign

Extension is working with leaders at the University of San Carlos of Guatemala to create a program serving youth and families in communities; and in southwestern Kenya with women farmers harvesting, handling and storage.

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Black beef cows in field

With help from the University of Minnesota Extension Central RSDP ranchers in Cass and Crow Wing counties are working together to safeguard their water resources. One way of doing this is through sustainable practices for raising cattle.

Melissa Wilson with farmer and grad students in front of manure machinery

Melissa Wilson is an Extension soil scientist hired in 2017 with AGREETT funding support. Wilson fills a manure management position that was vacant for more than a decade.

Related topics: Source Fall 2018 Agriculture

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