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University of Minnesota Extension

From the Dean: Spring 2018

Building opportunity together

Teaching—in my case, as a professor of weed science—is a fulfilling way to pass on what I have learned to the next generation. I taught and conducted research long before becoming the dean of University of Minnesota Extension, and I continue to do so at every opportunity.

I hope my students will go on to serve their communities, solving problems through a mix of what they learn from me and my research and what they discover anew. Together, we will build the new knowledge needed to address new challenges.

As dean of Extension, I see Minnesotans coming together through our programs to build new knowledge every day. Working, learning and serving together through University and community partnerships makes us stronger.

It builds hope for the future.

In this issue, you’ll read stories about Minnesotans working together to creatively address challenges and grow opportunities. Big and exciting changes are happening in all corners of Minnesota.

From Big Fork to Big Stone, from Kasson to Mahnomen and Crookston, from north Minneapolis to Silver Bay and beyond… it is an honor to learn and serve Minnesota with you.

Beverly Durgan
Dean, University of Minnesota Extension

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