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New Extension resource for pollinator friendly landscapes

Red splendor crabapple is a magnet for bees when in bloom.

We often think about annual and perennial flowers when we think about pollinator-friendly plants. However, trees and shrubs also provide food as well as habitat and protection for our insect friends.

So we are excited to introduce a new webpage from Extension: Trees and shrubs for pollinators. Here you will find trees, shrubs and a few vines that attract and feed our important insect pollinators. You can read detailed descriptions about the plants as well as their growing conditions. Images of the plants are available, and a downloadable spreadsheet provides all the information in one place for the 57 plants listed.

Use this list when choosing plants. And don’t forget to watch our video series on plant selection, Right plant, right place, to help you in the decision-making process.

Julie Weisenhorn, University of Minnesota Extension educator, Horticulture


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