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University of Minnesota Extension

Growing Local Leadership program

Welcome flags flying along a Main Street in a small town.
Emerging leaders in a cohort program doing an activity outside.
A leader walking into City Hall

Welcoming the next generation of leaders

Northwest Minnesota needs new leaders. As Minnesotans age, they are seeking new leaders to step in to lead. And as civic organizations change, they need different kinds of leaders to face the future.

Meanwhile, many community members aren't aware of existing leadership opportunities or haven’t yet been invited to contribute and lead.

Growing Local Leadership is a pilot program designed by Extension to draw more Northwest Minnesotans into formal community leadership. We aim to build personal confidence, enhance skills, and strengthen regional connections so people understand how they can make a difference by participating in and leading local boards, commissions, and communities.

Communities in Northwest Minnesota will benefit from this program. They will:

  • Increase the pool of residents available for boards, committees and other community groups.
  • Address equitable representation in local leadership.
  • Recognize that recruiting leaders from across the entire community keeps communities vibrant. 
  • Find ways to welcome and support new leaders.

About the Growing Local Leadership program

Next cohort starts: November 23, 2024
Location: Online and in-person

Application period: Open until October 1, 2024

Express interest or make a nomination 


Who are the future leaders in your community?

An emerging leader is someone who has not been in a formal leadership position (like a school board member) or has not received leadership education or leadership training, and is dedicated to making their community a space where everyone feels a sense of belonging. We support our program's emerging leaders in envisioning themselves and ultimately serving on public and other local boards and commissions.

We ask that nominators consider the following people as future leaders for their community.

  • Young adults
  • College and higher-ed students
  • New residents
  • Empty nesters
  • People with disabilities
  • Cultural and ethnic-diverse people
  • People with real-world/lived and other varied educational experiences
  • Any other underrepresented group

We also encourage learning partners. Research shows that pairs who learn together are more engaged and gain additional understanding of concepts as they discuss them with a partner. Learning partners can be added at any time before the first session.

Why should you apply to participate? 

  1. Because you like living in Northwest Minnesota and you know good things can happen in the future.
  2. Because you see how things could be different in Northwest Minnesota and you want to be part of making some changes.
  3. Because you have watched from the sidelines and think it’s time to step up.
  4. Because your community is underrepresented on local boards and committees and you want to contribute in ways that are meaningful to you.
  5. Because you want to build your network and strengthen your skills as you consider how to make a difference in Northwest Minnesota.

Northwest Minnesota needs new leaders

Using resident data, Extension research shows the demand for leaders in Minnesota counties. Our numbers assume that adults are 18 years and over, five leaders are needed per government office, and six leaders per non-profit.

How many adults must step up?

  • Kittson County: 1 in 5
  • Grant County: 1 in 7
  • Marshall County: 1 in 7
  • Lake of the Woods: 1 in 8
  • Norman County: 1 in 8
  • Traverse County: 1 in 8
  • Red Lake County: 1 in 9
  • Stevens County: 1 in 9
  • Wilkin County: 1 in 9
  • Pope County: 1 in 10
  • Roseau County: 1 in 10
  • Clearwater County: 1 in 11
  • Mahnomen County: 1 in 11
  • Polk County: 1 in 12
  • Otter Tail County: 1 in 14
  • Douglas County: 1 in 15
  • Pennington County: 1 in 15
  • Becker County: 1 in 16
  • Clay County: 1 in 26

Building on a tradition

For over 40 years, Extension has been investing in leadership education for Northwest Minnesota through the Emerging Leadership Program. In 2024, Extension created this new iteration to better address the need to address the leadership gap by exploring ways to engage more people in leadership education programs.

We call upon existing leaders, alumni of the Emerging Leadership Program, local government, health, and non-profit organizations to make a difference by nominating program participants.

Join the program

Do you or someone you know have the potential to lead? Apply now or nominate them. Primary factors to consider are emerging leadership and potential, interest, and commitment to participate in the Growing Local Leadership program.

As Extension chooses participants, we will consider participation across the 19 counties that the program serves. We hope to recruit people who do not currently hold leadership positions and/or haven’t participated in leadership education experiences in the past.

Express interest or make a nomination

Reviewed in 2024

Page survey

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