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University of Minnesota Extension

Exploring the impact of charismatic leaders in communities

An instructional case study

Studying the relationship between leaders and followers is more important than ever, and specific study of the relationship between charismatic leaders and followers offers key insights to both experienced, and future, community leaders.

Our instructional case study, “Exploring the Impact of Charismatic Leaders in Communities,” examines questions related to charismatic leadership, followership, and the development of connections, or social capital, in communities.

This instructional case, which is presented via video and print, features findings from ongoing University of Minnesota Tourism Center research in the community of San Luis, Colorado. We recommend presenting this case in community settings for adults active in community development, or in college classrooms for future community leaders.

Case study materials include:

  • Learners’ and facilitator’s guides in PDF format
  • 20-minute video

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Community economics • Leadership and civic engagement • Tourism

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