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4-H clover October 4-H state ambassador update

Rebecca A., Kanabec County
Minnesota 4-H State Ambassador


My name is Rebecca, and this is my first year on the Minnesota 4-H State Ambassador team. 

Although our new 4-H year has just begun, we have been a busy crew - from getting to know each other and meeting different 4-H members to working with others to complete many exciting projects.

My experience at the state fair

This year, I attended the state fair for two days. With the little time that I was there, I grew so much. I was able to help others and share stories with many people.

My experience was full of roses. I connected and became friends with the other ambassadors. I tried new foods. I faced my fear of heights by going on the Ferris wheel and had fun creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Over 4,279 exhibitors received the opportunity to showcase their learning at the state fair. Congratulations to them!

4-H'ers participate in the State 4-H Shooting Sports and Wildlife Invitational

One of the recent events that Minnesota 4-H put together was the 2024 State 4-H Shooting Sports and Wildlife Invitational. In addition to being a 4-H state ambassador, I’m a 4-H shooting sports and wildlife ambassador, so I attended this event the weekend right after the state fair.

The invitational was held this year in Alexandria, Sept. 6-8. Youth from across the state came to show their pride in this wonderful sport. In total, 723 athletes from 59 counties attended, participating in a wide range of disciplines. The top three disciplines in our state are air rifle, trap and archery.

The main focus for shooting sports is to teach youth the safe handling and keeping of firearms and archery equipment and about wildlife. To compete at state, 4-H members had to complete a specific number of hours in the disciplines of their choosing and eight hours of wildlife education. Depending on how you place at the invitational, you are given a chance to represent the state of Minnesota at the National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships.

Out of the 59 counties that participated at state, I would like to recognize two of them, Beltrami and Pipestone. These two counties displayed how hard work pays off in the end - going back and forth for the first spot in different disciplines, helping other athletes do the best they could and showing what it is to be a kind 4-H member. Both counties are fortunate to have many wonderful coaches and youth members who love to share their passion.

I would also like to recognize a 4-H'er from my home county of Kanabec. One of our young ladies competing this year was such a wonderful role model to everyone around her. I believe 4-H has helped her with achieving that. She displays respect and wisdom, helps others and always looks on the bright side. 

Help celebrate National 4-H Week

The first full week of October (Oct. 7-12) is National 4-H Week. This week is full of promoting and supporting 4-H. It is also a way to connect with others. 

Throughout the week, we invite you to complete at least two of the daily challenges from the state ambassadors: 

  • Oct. 7 - Member Monday - Give a shoutout to a 4-H member that rocks and explain why.
  • Oct. 8 - Time Machine Tuesday - Share photos from when you first got involved in 4-H.
  • Oct. 9 - Wear it Wednesday - Wear your favorite 4-H shirt.
  • Oct. 10 - Thankful Thursday - Thank a 4-H staff person or volunteer for all they do.
  • Oct.11 - Fair Friday - Share your favorite fair memory.
  • Oct. 12 - Service Saturday - Complete an act of service or share about an act of service you have completed.

What is your favorite 4-H memory? This is a hard question for me because I have so many. I love 4-H! If I had to choose just one though, it would have to be my memory of the Northeast 4-H Livestock Show in 2023. At this show, I brought my sheep named Sassy, and she definitely lives up to her name. 

I was really nervous about how the show was going to go, as my sheep had woken up with a grumpy attitude and was not listening to me. The show came around, and to be honest with you, I felt like crying. Then, I remembered something I was told from a previous show that has stuck with me - don't give up, do your best, have fun and show your passion for showing sheep. Keeping this in mind, I was ready for the hard show ahead of me, or what I thought would be a hard show. 

Long story short, my sheep fell asleep in my arms while I was showing her multiple times. The judge laughed so much that I started laughing, and the sheep just slept.

So, as National 4-H Week comes, remember all the stories of the past. Enjoy the season with a big glass of apple cider and a slice of pumpkin pie, and just listen to all the stories around you.

Rebecca A., Kanabec County
Minnesota State 4-H Ambassador

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