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Preparing a 2-week emergency food supply

Canned goods lined up on a shelf
Frozen meals and foods inside an open freezer
Various non-perishable food items

English | Español

If you and your family need to prepare for two weeks or more of food, pay attention to nutrition needs. Plan food supplies so you all can eat at least one well-balanced meal each day. 

Learn to plan nutritious meals and snacks using MyPlate. 

Add to the number of basic foods you normally keep on your shelves. You may find that you have a two-week supply of most staples if you go through your cupboards. So, before you shop, take an inventory of what you already have. 

Write a plan

  • Make a list of all family members by name and include any special needs like diabetes and allergies.
  • List all staple foods on your shelves now.
  • List all foods in your freezer.
  • Make a list of meals to be served for each day for 14 days.
  • Download and print this two-week menu, shopping list and recipes to use offline; and also in Spanish/ y en español
  • Use this 14-day meal kit for rural grocery stores developed for emergencies by UMN Extension Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships.

Two-week menu kit

Buying 14 days or more worth of food can be a financial stretch. Take the guesswork out of what to purchase by using this 14-day menu kit.

Use the checkboxes on the shopping list (you can download and print) to determine what you have on-hand and what you need. For example, you may already have staple foods such as flour, vinegar and spices in the home. 


Recipes from the menus

The shopping list includes the ingredients to these recipes. All recipe videos are also now available in Spanish on our YouTube channel

¡Todos los videos de recetas ahora también están disponibles en español en nuestro canal de YouTube!


Authors: Abby Gold, Nikki Johnson, Betsy Johnson, Kelly Kunkel and Mary Schroeder, Extension educators

Reviewed in 2020

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