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University of Minnesota Extension

Working with youth

people having a snowball fight

Shift to a positive youth development approach to behavior management. Learn both how to prevent many behavior issues and strategies for when things don't go as planned.

kids drawing gears with chalk

Different from lesson or event planning, program planning takes a big-picture look at the youth needs and assets of a community to make decisions about how a youth program can address those needs.

kids sitting around a table talking and writing

While high quality programs have a positive impact on youth, poor quality programs can actually do harm. Learn what goes on inside quality programs to intentionality influence positive outcomes.

kids pointing at camera

This course is designed to engage participants in an in-depth look at Weikart’s Youth Program Quality pyramid and the research that supports the framework.

youth painting a building

Based on the Minnesota 4-H Ambassador program, discover how to develop and grow a youth leadership program through youth voice and shared power so youth leaders thrive.

teen shows kids how to make a lego model

Discover the benefits of using teens as teachers and the essential elements needed to create an impactful learning environment for the teens, their younger peers and the adult liaison.

7 people standing by fence

In this series of stand-alone workshops, youth workers and young people learn how to address inequities at the programmatic, organizational and institutional levels.

2 women looking at a laptop

The youth development webinar series provides research-based information on hot topics, trends and program ideas for youth workers over the lunch hour.

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