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Potential economic impact of expanding homecoming offerings at Minnesota State University, Mankato


Key findings

Homecoming 2021

  • Most 2021 homecoming game attendees came from southern Minnesota, although people did travel from multiple states (Colorado, South Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Ohio) to attend the game.
    • A significant number of game attendees live in Mankato, especially on campus. This is consistent with the fact that the game is primarily marketed to students.
  • Extension estimates non-student homecoming game attendees spent $222,664 to attend the game in 2021. Attendees likely spent the most on transportation (gasoline) and dining out, indicating gas stations and restaurants directly benefit the most from MNSU’s homecoming.
  • In total, MNSU homecoming game attendees generated an estimated $309,124 in economic activity in Blue Earth County on game day. This includes $74,720 in labor income for the workers who served attendees. Seventeen jobs were supported by the spending.
  • Of the $309,124 of total economic activity, $86,460 was at businesses not frequented by homecoming game attendees. The types of businesses that benefit the most included real estate and utilities.

Increasing alumni attendance

  • In 2021, the MNSU homecoming game attracted an estimated 2,897 non-student attendees. If non-student attendance were to increase by 25 percent to 3,621, the total economic impact would increase to $392,726.
  • Similarly, if non-student attendance were to increase by 50 percent (to 4,345), the economic contribution would also increase. In this case, it would increase to $471,751.
  • Finally, Extension examined a scenario in which the ratio of day visitors to overnight visitors reversed. In this situation, Extension estimated there would be 2,376 overnight visitors and 521 day visitors. Overall attendance remains the same, but more attendees spend the night (and thus additional money) in Mankato. With an increase in overnight visitors, the total economic contribution would increase to $497,830. 

About this report

Every fall, Minnesota State University Mankato (MNSU) hosts its homecoming celebration. Events include a football game, parade, and concert. Currently, events center on the student experience. MNSU wishes to expand its homecoming experiences to attract more alumni to campus.

As MNSU works toward this vision, staff was interested in understanding the potential economic impact of the proposed changes. Thus, MNSU partnered with Extension to measure the economic impact of increased alumni attendance at homecoming events.

Read the full report

Author: Brigid Tuck, Extension senior economic impact analyst; Madelyn Wehe, intern

Reviewed in 2023

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