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University of Minnesota Extension


Master Gardener Scott Sindelar in garden with his wife

2,400 Extension Master Gardeners volunteer across Minnesota, but like a caterpillar morphing into a butterfly, it’s a process to become one. Master Gardeners bring a lot of experience with them and are hungry for more.

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4-H'er with microphone performing at Arts-In

More than 23,000 youth participate in University of Minnesota Extension’s 4-H creative and performing arts experiences across Minnesota each year. Performing arts programs in particular build confidence, leadership skills and friendships that last a lifetime.

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Educators and farmer on dairy farm

There is no reason to believe the next 50 years will be less dramatic for the dairy industry than the past 50 years. The pace of change is high in consumer demands, climate, genetics, robotics and other technology.

Related topics: Source Spring 2019 Featured news
Jared Goplen looking at plant in lab

In 2015, Minnesota lawmakers approved legislation that created the Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Tech Transfer program (AGREETT). With AGREETT funding, in 2017 Extension hired Jared Goplen, a University of Minnesota Extension crops educator based in Morris.

Related topics: Source Spring 2019 Featured news

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