Identification of potato leafhopper (PLH) (empoasca fabae)
- Small (one-tenth inch), narrow, bullet–shaped and bright yellow–green.
- Very active and jump when disturbed.
- Light green and similar to adult, but lack wings.
- If disturbed, will move sideways.
Eggs are laid within plant stems.
Natural history
Potato leafhoppers do not overwinter in Minnesota but migrate from the Gulf Coast states in spring. They can arrive in Minnesota as early as May and continue migrating through early July.
PLH lays eggs in the stems of susceptible plants. It has a host range of over 200 species, including soybean, alfalfa and potato. Each female lays two to three eggs a day and continues to lay eggs for at least a month. Eggs hatch in seven to 10 days.
Nymphs molt five times before becoming adults in about two weeks. Nymphs feed primarily on the undersides of leaves. Given their limited mobility, nymphs are considered more damaging than adults.
There are usually two generations per year in the upper Midwest. However, because of the long oviposition period, infestations consist of overlapping generations.
Potato leafhoppers feed on soybean leaves and cause injury by sucking sap out of leaves and injecting toxic saliva into the plant. This feeding destroys plant cells and blocks the transport of fluids within the leaves. Early symptoms of PLH feeding include yellowing near the leaf tip, referred to as "hopperburn."
In heavy infestations, leaves become yellow or reddish in color, curl, and eventually fall off. Plants may also be stunted. PLH injury can be exacerbated under drought conditions.
Young plants are more susceptible to feeding injury because they lack the leaf hairs that keep PLH from feeding and laying eggs. As plants mature, they acquire more leaf hairs and become less preferred by PLH.
Scouting and management
Typically, potato leafhopper does not cause enough damage to warrant treatment of soybean.
Heavy infestations can occur and early soybean growth stages can be especially susceptible if planting has been delayed (planted after June 10) or if the variety has little pubescence. In these situations, PLH can be monitored via plant sampling.
To assess PLH densities in the early growth stages of soybean, sample plants in five to 10 randomly selected one-foot sections of a row. At each section, count the individuals and note how many plants were in each section. This information will allow you to determine how many PLH per plant you have in your field.
Treatment thresholds
From soybean emergence to two trifoliate leaves (V2), treat if populations exceed one leafhopper per plant or if there are seedlings with dying leaves present.
Damaging infestations in later growth stages of soybean are unlikely.
Labeled rates of foliar insecticides can be used to manage PLH populations. Follow the instructions on the product label.
For situations with high risk for attack by this pest, seed-applied systemic insecticides (neonicotinoid) can offer protection of early soybean growth stages from this pest.
CAUTION: Mention of a pesticide or use of a pesticide label is for educational purposes only. Always follow the pesticide label directions attached to the pesticide container you are using. Be sure that the area you wish to treat is listed on the label of the pesticide you intend to use. Remember, the label is the law.
Reviewed in 2024