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University of Minnesota Extension

From the Dean: Spring 2021

Dear friends,

Driven, the University of Minnesota’s decade-long fundraising campaign, is coming to a close in a few months. The campaign was the first for Extension, and I am happy to report that we are very close — more than 96 percent of the way — to achieving our goal of $16 million. In Extension, we envision a Minnesota in which strong partnerships, discovery through science and diverse perspectives combine to find smart, creative ways to address 21st-century challenges. Thank you to everyone who contributed!

Donors’ investments have provided new funding that will help strengthen the impact of programs across Extension, including the four priorities that were established when the campaign publicly launched in 2016:

  • Investing in youth and families by enhancing programs in every part of the state, preparing young people for a future of learning and leadership.
  • Investing in lifetime learning, by leveraging University of Minnesota research to create educational programs that help all Minnesotans thrive.
  • Investing in communities across the state and helping them understand their challenges and train leaders to make smart decisions about their futures.
  • Investing in educational experiences that ensure the next generation is equipped to solve 21st century challenges.

Of course, gifts for all Extension programs have always been and continue to be welcomed and appreciated. The Extension development team has collaborated with donors and potential donors from all walks of life, and for gifts of all sizes and purposes. I am grateful for the trust that these benefactors have placed in Extension, and I promise that we will steward your gifts well.

Thank you, again, to everyone who has contributed to this campaign and for your ongoing support of Extension. In future issues of Source, I look forward to sharing examples of how your gifts made a difference for Extension and in the lives of Minnesotans.

Bev Durgan, Dean
University of Minnesota Extension

"Driven: The University of Minnesota Campaign" wordmark
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