Source credits
Executive Editor: Becky Beyers
Managing Editor: Catherine Dehdashti
Writers: Becky Beyers, Catherine Dehdashti, Emily Dombeck, Marie Donahue, Joyce Hoelting, Maggie Frazier, Matthew Racchini, Tom Rothman, Rajine Williams.
Designer: Michael Donahue
Photography: McKenna Carter, Catherine Dehdashti, Heather Holm, David Joles for the Star Tribune, iStock Photo, Linde’s Livestock Photos, Steve Niedorf, Stephanie O’Donnell (illustrations), Anne Rinkenberger, Cory Ryan, Allison Sandve, Christina Waters. Other photos provided by sources.
Address correspondence and requests for reprints to Catherine Dehdashti, Source, University of Minnesota Extension, [email protected].
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