Seniors Eating Well is an educational program that teaches older adults over age 50 about nutrition, physical activity, and other aspects of healthy living.
Seniors Eating Well helps participants learn about four categories of healthy living:
- Meal planning and decision making.
- Cooking and food preparation.
- Social relationships and fitness.
- Diet, health maintenance, and chronic disease prevention.
Space and time requirements
This program consists of nine lessons lasting about 45 minutes each. Sessions can be adapted to meet the learning needs of participants, and within reason to fit the space and time needs of the partnering agency.
More information
Seniors Eating Well is based on the 2015 USDA Dietary Guidelines and the MyPlate food group guide. Each lesson’s objectives conform with the 2015 Dietary Guidelines and Penn State Nutrition, Diet, and Health plan of work indicators. These lessons were designed to reach older adults at places they congregate, such as community centers and senior housing centers. They also may be used with middle-older adults (age 50 to 65) at work sites and other organizations.
Sessions combine classroom instruction and discussion with cooking, taste tests, games, and activities. Seniors and the aging and health professionals who serve them chose the topics.
To find out more about this program or explore the possibilities of this program being offered at your agency, contact the SNAP-Ed team.