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University of Minnesota Extension

Cooking is a SNAP (SNAP-Ed)

Cooking is a SNAP is a culinary nutrition education program that teaches skills for adults to achieve healthier living on a budget. Through hands-on practice, participants acquire cooking, food preparation, and food safety skills. They also share money-saving smart shopping strategies and practice ways to increase daily physical activity.


This program will help participants:

  • Eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Increase confidence to plan and prepare meals at home.
  • Move 30 minutes a day, most days of the week

Space and time requirements

This program consists of six 2-hour lessons. Sessions can be adapted to meet the learning needs of participants and, to some extent, to fit the space and time constraints of the partnering agency.

More information

Cooking is a SNAP was developed by University of Minnesota Extension with nutrition content derived from the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans incorporating the USDA’s MyPlate materials. Physical activity contents is from the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans and the 2016 National Physical Activity Plan. Culinary skills and basic cooking techniques have been modified from school food service materials developed by University of Minnesota Extension. Recipes were created by University of Minnesota SNAP-Ed educators.

To find out more about this program or explore the possibilities of this program being offered at your agency, contact a member of the SNAP-Ed team.

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