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University of Minnesota Extension

From the dean - Fall 2022

Dear friends,

Because one of Extension’s priorities is to build stronger collaborations with our partners, Extension faculty and staff are working toward that goal while being strategic and creative in how we most effectively carry out our organizational mission.

To that end, Extension recently held its first all-staff professional development conference in more than a decade. Its title, “Reconnecting, reframing and recharging for the future,” reflected the unique circumstances of the past two years and the resulting need for an in-person learning and planning session that included a broad range of Extension employees.

Personal connections like those made at the conference are part of what enables Extension to succeed. Like the conference, this edition of Source also reflects connections with the people of Minnesota. In addition, Extension faculty and staff continue to develop relevant programming that addresses important issues affecting the wellbeing of our state, to find new ways to use tools and technology for educational programming, and to focus on being inclusive of all Minnesotans.

I am proud of how Extension is adapting to a changed world, and I hope you enjoy reading these stories about how our organization leads to stronger communities and connections.

Bev Durgan

Related topics: Source 2022 Fall
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