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Poultry biosecurity risks: identifying flows

Quick facts

  • Define system boundaries around barns and farmsteads and line(s) of separations to separate clean from dirty areas.

  • Be aware of every flow that crosses system boundaries and line(s) of separations.

  • Track each flow such as people, equipment and supplies.

  • Know the risk for each flow and decide which risks you need to manage more carefully first.

  • Create and carry out biosecurity plans to reduce the risks for each flow.

You can outline system boundaries and lines of separation using an aerial photograph.

Farms use biosecurity to:

  • Prevent infectious disease organisms from entering the farm.

  • Control disease spread within and between barns and farms.

Studying flows on your farm is an orderly way to plan how the following move into, through and from the facility.

  • People

  • Birds

  • Feed

  • Supplies

  • Materials

  • Equipment

  • Ventilating air

You can also study flows to assess and maintain your biosecurity and efficiently and safely carry out the operation’s management and operational plans.


Kevin Janni, Extension engineer

Reviewed in 2023

Page survey

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