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Financial capability month

A dad helps two young children count coins
A teenage boy counts money on main street.
A mother sits at a kitchen table with two teenage sons working on a laptop.

Money-smart choices start at home

April is financial capability month, a nationwide initiative to raise awareness about the importance of making money-smart choices. In today’s digital world, youth are bombarded with opportunities — and many involve money. It’s no wonder that even young adults still turn to their parents and caregivers for financial advice and guidance. Although it may seem complicated, start with the A-B-C’s of money-smart choices:

  • A stands for awareness. Whether we know it or not, many of the everyday choices we make involve money. A first step is helping young people recognize that money is a means for attaining goals that are important to them and to their family.
  • B stands for balance. Every family has responsibilities and goals. When youth understand that money is needed to pay for necessary things like food and shelter, as well as fun things like sports gear or video games, they learn to weigh the pros and cons before making choices. 
  • C stands for conversation. Engaging youth in ongoing and age-appropriate conversations, helps youth to understand what is important and why.

Activities to teach families and youth about finances

There are many ways to start talking with young people about money. Below you'll find conversation starters, short videos, games and educational tools to help make smart-money choices. 

Family (all ages)


Younger children (learners K-4th grade)


Youth (learners 5th-12th grade)


Young adult (learners in high school- young adult)


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Reviewed in 2024

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