Thanks to Compeer Financial, along with support to the 4-H General Fund, Minnesota 4-H once again has dollars available for the Food Partner Challenge.
If you're a 4-H member in grades 7 and up wanting to develop leadership, communication and teamwork skills to promote 4-H, mentor younger members and give back to your community, then this is for you!
The newly selected Minnesota 4-H Agriculture Ambassadors are youth members from across the state with a passion for agriculture and 4-H.
Seeking youth and adults to serve as Swift County 4-H Federation Officers, Livestock Board members, Advisory board members and on the Horse Project Development Committee. Elections will be held at the Federation meeting Oct. 28.
With Jim Ostlie's leadership, Swift Falls Winners 4-H Club youth learn important social skills while giving back to their community, regardless of their age or ability.
Our annual 4-H fruit sale fundraiser kicks off on Jan. 15. Paper forms are available at the Extension office. We have a new addition to our sale this year--Butter Braids!
Youth in Swift County 4-H, in partnership with other community members, have sewn 110 quilts to deliver to the Montevideo Veterans Home, which opens in nearby Chippewa County in early 2024.