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University of Minnesota Extension

Halal-friendly Minnesota

Minnesota is known for its cultural diversity, with a population comprised of individuals from a wide range of racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. Within the state, there is a significant presence of Muslim populations, who want to access traditional foods including religiously acceptable meat (Halal meat) regardless of where they live and work.

University of Minnesota Extension facilitates collaborations among local governments, farmers and breeders, abattoirs, meat processors, wholesalers, distributors and consumers to support the domestic halal meat supply chain.

The word halal describes anything that Muslims can use or engage in according to their religion, Islam. Halal food has to be prepared according to Islamic law.

What is a domestic halal meat supply chain?

A domestic halal meat supply chain refers to the process of supplying locally raised halal meat from farm to plate while preserving its halal status. The typical halal meat supply chain consists of farmers or breeders, abattoirs, meat processors, wholesalers, distributors, retailers and consumers.

The Halal Meat Introductory Guide is an in-depth guide for farmers and ranchers interested in participating in a halal meat supply chain.

For halal meat producers

The market for halal meat in Minnesota holds untapped potential for communities throughout the state.

Join an informal group of halal meat processors of Minnesota to discuss the challenges, opportunities and issues halal meat processors face.  Our goal is to build a connected network of halal meat processors through sharing personal experiences and learning from each other and halal meat and food experts. We will send you project updates and invitations to participate in webinars, discussions and focus groups. 

Join the group


For halal meat retailers

There are many consumers looking to buy halal meats. Make sure your market is ready to handle and sell halal products. 


For halal meat consumers

Access to halal food is vital for many consumers and having halal foods available in Minnesota communities addresses food insecurity. Most markets that sell halal food accept food assistance benefits like SNAP, EBT and WIC. 


Halal meat markets map

Find a halal grocery store, farmers and livestock producers, and meat processors in Minnesota. 

Request a consultation

Have questions about halal foods? Would you like to have your store added to the Halal-friendly Minnesota map? Contact Extension educator Serdar Mamedov at [email protected] for assistance.

Project updates


Interested in halal production?

The University of Minnesota Extension Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships is conducting a survey of livestock producers to gather experiences and attitudes about raising animals for halal markets. The results will benefit operators of existing facilities that have an interest in providing halal slaughter and to those interested in starting up new halal meat processing facilities.

If you are a livestock producer, please take five minutes (or less) to fill out this brief confidential survey. If you know of others who raise livestock, please pass this survey along to them.

Esta encuesta también está disponible en español.

Reviewed in 2023

Page survey

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