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Dairy News

Dairy News provides timely information about the dairy industry, featured events, farm safety and animal health.

Direct questions or comments to umndairy@umn.edu.

30 Minutes: Robotic milking webinars

Marcia Endres and Jim Salfer interview dairy producers who have robotic milking systems for an overview of their operation followed by audience Q&A. Watch past webinars on our YouTube channel.

Dairy cows feeding on hay in stanchions.

Feed costs have increased dramatically, and futures indicate they will remain high throughout 2022. There are practices that may help lower feed costs without affecting performance.

Related topics: Dairy News Featured news

The amount of overcrowding you can tolerate on your dairy depends on facility design and management. Overstocking does not need to affect productivity and animal welfare when certain criteria are met.

Hay is expensive, even if you make your own. Avoiding waste can mean you don’t have to buy hay or could mean you have excess hay you can sell. Either way, using your hay efficiently results in more money in the long run.

Handling livestock safely is crucial on any farm to prevent accidents, injuries, and fatalities. Bulls are some of the most dangerous animals on the farm and require strict safety measures.

Securing enough forage during a drought can be a challenge. But there are steps you can take to get the forage you need or stretch your current forage inventory.

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